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April 10, 2024

Going for a Walk | Michael Gungor | Episode 44

Join us as we sit Across the Counter from  singer-songwriter, producer, music editor, author, and podcast host Michael Gungor. He is the front man for Gungor, a band which has been nominated for multiple Grammy Awards.

In this ATC Episode:

• We traverse the spectrum of belief and creativity, delving into Michael's personal evolution from the confines of traditional Christianity to a more expansive spirituality. 

• Our dialogue weaves through the complexities of faith, the beauty of artistic expression, and the courage it takes to embrace one's authentic self, even when it leads away from established norms. 

• Michael's candid reflections offer a poignant perspective on the intricate dance between the pursuit of truth and the desire for community.

• With a joyful leap into the lighter side of life, we explore the whimsical realms of Michael's side projects like Weiwu and the Mystic Hymnal, illuminating how playfulness can be a conduit for inspiration. 

Join us for an exploration that promises to gently challenge your perceptions. 

Connect with Michael:

Instagram: @michaelgungor


Beliefs espoused by the guests of ATC are not necessarily the beliefs and convictions of ATC. 

That said the intent of our podcast is to listen, remain curious and never fear failure in the discovery life giving truth. Many people we ardently disagree with have been our greatest teachers.

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00:01 - Exploring Boundaries and Community in Christianity

11:17 - Personal Growth and Authentic Expression

19:04 - Exploring the Mystical Nature of God

34:13 - Exploring Artistic and Spiritual Connection

38:30 - Inspiration and Creativity in Art

44:49 - Exploring Mystical Threads in Religion

59:54 - Exploring Beliefs and Deconstructing Hell

01:12:56 - Exploring Creative Playfulness and Music Projects

01:20:29 - Podcast Appreciation and Goodbye


00:00:01.923 --> 00:00:04.065
Pull up a chair across the counter.

00:00:04.065 --> 00:00:09.894
Your one-stop shop for a variety of perspectives around Jesus and Christianity.

00:00:09.894 --> 00:00:15.192
I'm Grant Lockridge and I'm here with Logan Rice and Michael Gungor.

00:00:15.192 --> 00:00:24.054
He is the lead singer of a little band called Gungor and a huge band in the Christian space.

00:00:24.054 --> 00:00:32.088
I listen to them a whole whole bunch in high school now and Logan go ahead and ask the first question over here.

00:00:32.439 --> 00:00:37.685
Yeah well first of all, very excited for you to join us and thank you for your willingness.

00:00:37.685 --> 00:01:03.567
I did a Google search Just Google Michael Gunga Quick Goog, if you will and it's always really fascinating because one of the first things that popped up is what happened to Michael Gungor, and it's three or four Christian apologetics, folks or whoever it may be, that's saying what happened and that's an interesting thing.

00:01:03.567 --> 00:01:08.066
I can't imagine what that's like to have your name Googled and that's the first thing that popped up is what happened to you.

00:01:08.066 --> 00:01:25.340
So I want to open up the platform for this and in your book, also called this, you have kind of the artist or the author statement, if you will, says you, you know, you're reluctant, Christian Grammy nominee and winner.

00:01:25.441 --> 00:01:35.442
And I want to hear, we want to hear from you rather than a swath of other people Like what is your journey?

00:01:35.442 --> 00:01:36.364
Where are you now?

00:01:36.364 --> 00:01:37.587
Where are you?

00:01:37.587 --> 00:01:40.382
Know, the folks that are saying what happened to you?

00:01:40.382 --> 00:01:47.700
What era of your life are they referring to and how did you become to you?

00:01:47.700 --> 00:01:51.009
What era of your life are they referring to and how did you become and where are you today from that journey?

00:01:51.049 --> 00:02:09.659
Yeah, it is an interesting question because you have to, I have to imagine who the people are and where they wanted me on the journey, because, from my vantage point, I've just been walking down the sidewalk and it's like what happened to you and I'm still just walking down the sidewalk.

00:02:09.659 --> 00:02:10.441
What do you mean?

00:02:12.542 --> 00:02:13.141
I'm right here.

00:02:16.503 --> 00:02:22.925
So I mean the people that probably wrote those articles, or the.

00:02:22.925 --> 00:02:37.633
My guess is there was a certain stage or brand of Christianity that tends to put a lot of red tape around.

00:02:37.633 --> 00:02:58.933
What you have to think and believe in order to be part of that community still so like the us there is really defined severely by specific stances, and, interestingly, there's probably multiple for some of those communities.

00:02:58.933 --> 00:03:07.643
It's like when they heard me say something about Genesis that I read Genesis metaphorically they were like, well, that's beyond the pale, that's past.

00:03:07.643 --> 00:03:11.361
Where you can go to stay part of our community and other people.

00:03:11.361 --> 00:03:20.331
It was hearing us talk about gay people or whatever the thing is, or how I think about the.

00:03:22.242 --> 00:03:35.652
So, whatever it was was like they perceived me within the realms of what's acceptable to think in their community, and then they heard something that I said that was outside of that tape.

00:03:35.652 --> 00:03:37.507
It's like, oh, you're gone.

00:03:37.507 --> 00:03:54.139
So what happened to you People?

00:03:54.139 --> 00:03:59.757
From what my experience is, they assume that there must have been some tremendous pain or rebellion or something they kind of project out of what it would take for them maybe to make those leaps.

00:03:59.757 --> 00:04:09.514
From my perspective again, though, I've just been walking down the sidewalk and walking towards what seems true and lovely and beautiful to me.

00:04:11.401 --> 00:04:16.125
It is a six-day creation and if you think anything other than that, not a Christian.

00:04:16.125 --> 00:04:17.168
That's where I'm at.

00:04:17.228 --> 00:04:18.391
Not a Christian Good.

00:04:18.391 --> 00:04:19.954
Well, I'm just kidding.

00:04:19.954 --> 00:04:22.430
Add your comments to the articles.

00:04:34.127 --> 00:04:39.932
Dude, if you don't believe that it's literal 24-hour days, not a Christian, add your comments to the articles.

00:04:39.932 --> 00:04:41.353
Sure kind of situation.

00:04:41.353 --> 00:04:50.048
And there's a billboard going out of south carolina that basically said the earth was created in six days and like that's.

00:04:50.048 --> 00:04:55.805
There was the whole billboard and it was just like somebody paid to put that up there.

00:04:55.805 --> 00:05:05.490
They believe that so hard that they were like that is worth paying the money monthly to put on a billboard that kind of crazy, yeah, I mean it's.

00:05:06.793 --> 00:05:20.230
The thing, though, is that kind of thinking whether, like, it's easy to point out the extremes and you know, um, that is an extreme for most of us but that line gets extended and it doesn't.

00:05:20.230 --> 00:05:20.411

00:05:20.411 --> 00:05:26.853
It's in christianity, but it's not just in christianity here in I live in LA, and that line gets extended the other way.

00:05:26.853 --> 00:05:32.653
It's like you could be my friend, but if I found out you voted for Donald Trump, then you're out.

00:05:32.653 --> 00:05:49.829
Most of us, our communities, are built on some sort of red tape like what defines who's in and who's out, and who's out and uh, when, when, those when that red tape is like way beyond what I think is reasonable.

00:05:49.829 --> 00:05:54.264
Then it's easy to laugh at, but for some people it's real, and for some people that's uh scary.

00:05:54.264 --> 00:05:57.189
Those questioning genesis really does feel.

00:05:57.189 --> 00:05:58.812
It's almost like existential for them.

00:05:59.541 --> 00:06:36.865
So I I I'm one hand, can laugh about it, but on the other hand, I I can also have compassion that's true for for the people that feel like that is an important issue, to die on that hill, not one of those extremes, just to, you know, not be an extreme, but know that other people would like say that that's the biggest issue, the six day creation or whatever it is.

00:06:36.865 --> 00:06:39.752
It is, you know, super empathetic to to to look at that from their point of view.

00:06:39.752 --> 00:06:46.122
So I would definitely say that that's super valid and important to do so.

00:06:46.122 --> 00:07:00.473
You said, like this red tape thing, right, I'm curious because you do have some sort of version of a community gathering and I'm curious what that kind of looks like for you in your specific community.

00:07:00.473 --> 00:07:03.362
Do you not have any red tape, Is it like?

00:07:03.362 --> 00:07:04.567
I'm just curious how that looks.

00:07:06.079 --> 00:07:14.641
Yeah, it's an interesting, interesting, it's a great question like, um, how do you, how do you build community without some sort of red tape?

00:07:14.641 --> 00:07:21.023
And it does seem for me it's, it's a kind of an alive question that keeps always adjusting.

00:07:21.023 --> 00:07:34.831
But for me, I think I'm more interested in the living, um, practical sort of this sort of behavior is not welcome in the community.

00:07:34.831 --> 00:07:38.625
More than, like, these sort of thoughts aren't welcome to me.

00:07:38.625 --> 00:07:42.781
Thoughts are very ephemeral and they're always changing and the beliefs would be in that line of things.

00:07:42.781 --> 00:07:49.273
But like we can't have people come in and just, you know, be touching everybody non-consensually.

00:07:49.273 --> 00:07:50.295
It's not welcome.

00:07:50.295 --> 00:07:56.502
You can't be here and be violating everyone else's space like that and their bodies, that's red tape.

00:07:56.762 --> 00:08:18.661
For when I'm, if I'm, a facilitator of some sort of communal space, you know, but finding, like, what is what are appropriate beliefs, I'm trying, I personally strive, to not put any red tape up with my interactions with people, my love for people.

00:08:18.661 --> 00:08:26.108
Um, again, insofar as what, what happening in them, like their beliefs, their feelings.

00:08:26.108 --> 00:08:35.240
But sometimes boundaries are necessary with people that don't know how to keep those things inside themselves, that don't know how to keep their feelings, you can be angry.

00:08:35.240 --> 00:08:38.027
But if you're going around in your anger and hitting everybody.

00:08:38.027 --> 00:08:42.094
We need some boundaries to keep you away, keep people safe.

00:08:42.094 --> 00:08:49.212
But the internal boundaries I strive to, not I don't have those.

00:08:49.212 --> 00:08:59.950
I have love for everyone and seek to recognize what we share in our existence, in our humanity and in our divinity.

00:08:59.950 --> 00:09:06.269
In my view, and does that answer the question at all?

00:09:06.269 --> 00:09:07.860
It's a little ambiguous, but it's.

00:09:07.860 --> 00:09:14.041
It's more behavioral and practical than, like you, you have to think a certain way yeah, I, I understand.

00:09:14.702 --> 00:09:47.071
Um, so the red tape is more, you know, boundaries, of trying to keep people not doing anything like physical or it really it sounds like anything hateful in general, like it seems like you want to, you know, encourage love and put boundaries around anything that would be hateful I mean I could, even somebody I could I could even perceive someone's attitudes, be and and thoughts and views as hateful, and that's still fine, I just can.

00:09:47.110 --> 00:10:02.143
You, can you own your own space, like and that's it is physical, but it's also you know, somebody's shouting with a bullhorn in the middle of a, of a service or a group, or like you're still not honoring everybody else's space in a way.

00:10:02.143 --> 00:10:07.972
So it's like, can you own your own experience in a way, and your own thoughts and perspectives enough to be part of a conversation?

00:10:07.972 --> 00:10:11.706
You can have any, any perspective, any feelings, including hate.

00:10:11.706 --> 00:10:14.080
You can be hateful, as we want, towards all of us, that's fine.

00:10:14.080 --> 00:10:21.779
But, um, can you operate with boundaries that allow everybody to have their own experience as well?

00:10:21.779 --> 00:10:25.485
So that's what's important to me okay, yeah, yeah.

00:10:26.346 --> 00:10:26.967
What was the?

00:10:26.967 --> 00:10:42.832
I guess a question I would have is you know, assuming that you're you're leading these spaces or or serving as kind of the chief facilitator of these spaces, have you personally, you know, going back to the sidewalk metaphor of you know what happened?

00:10:42.832 --> 00:10:52.581
I'm just, I'm just going for a walk and I'm walking, and I'm still walking, and where I was, you know, 20 blocks ago might be different than where I am, but for me it's still a sidewalk.

00:10:52.581 --> 00:11:05.871
Has it always been that way or has there been an unpacking process of the community gatherings that you're leading now and the music that you're writing now as an artist and what you're putting out?

00:11:05.871 --> 00:11:11.982
Have there been shifts internally within you that maybe 20 blocks ago you'd never imagined?

00:11:11.982 --> 00:11:14.630
You are where you are now, but hey, now you're here.

00:11:16.000 --> 00:11:17.042
Yeah for sure.

00:11:17.042 --> 00:11:25.975
The scenery has definitely changed through the journey and and even the way that I walk has changed, um.

00:11:25.975 --> 00:11:28.585
So it's, it's not.

00:11:28.585 --> 00:11:31.932
It doesn't feel like the same block, it doesn't feel like this.

00:11:31.932 --> 00:11:38.052
Sometimes, it doesn't feel like the same universe, frankly, um, but it's um.

00:11:38.052 --> 00:11:45.549
But I can look back and see how important every step of it was.

00:11:45.549 --> 00:12:00.224
So so, yeah, there's, there's things, if I, I imagine if myself, 20 years ago, met myself now, I'd be terrified on some level, like, oh my, what, how, how did you get there?

00:12:00.224 --> 00:12:01.966

00:12:01.966 --> 00:12:16.846
But but I can look back and see how I needed to feel that way at that point, because that's what I had experienced up to that point and what I needed then to try to make myself safe and feel loved and whatever I was looking for at the time.

00:12:16.846 --> 00:12:20.037
What else could it have been?

00:12:20.037 --> 00:12:22.784
It was like every step needed to be exactly as it was.

00:12:24.009 --> 00:12:25.351
I feel like that's a really like.

00:12:25.351 --> 00:12:45.652
To me, that's a fresh and intriguing perspective, because oftentimes, um, I don't know, at least from my vantage point in hearing, um, you know, there's this it you even alluded to it where people are kind of seeking for this pivotal moment or this intense trauma or pain that led to, why result?

00:12:45.652 --> 00:13:00.181
But in hearing your response, it's interesting to hear how and correct me if I'm wrong in saying this you're not just saying, hey, it's always been this way and I just faked it for a period of time.

00:13:00.181 --> 00:13:10.624
It genuinely was a journey and a path where where you were at, call it, 10 years ago was genuinely where you were at 10 years ago, and where you're at now is genuinely where you're at versus 10 years ago.

00:13:10.624 --> 00:13:14.980
You're like man, I would love to be here, but because I'm in X and Y space, I can't.

00:13:14.980 --> 00:13:19.472
So I'm going to, you know, entrap myself in this and then maybe one day I can break free.

00:13:25.200 --> 00:13:25.321

00:13:25.321 --> 00:13:26.246
That's a refreshing perspective for me.

00:13:26.246 --> 00:13:27.313
Am I hearing what you're saying correctly in that?

00:13:27.313 --> 00:13:28.299
Yeah, I think that's one thing.

00:13:28.299 --> 00:13:35.969
It's hard to accept people's change sometimes and it's like, well, were you lying to me when I thought you were different?

00:13:35.969 --> 00:13:37.091
No, I was different.

00:13:37.091 --> 00:14:02.269
And so I mean, of course there are people that live in a lie and live in a way that they're trying to just make everybody think they're a certain way, and then the truth comes out and while I can say there are definitely times that I was afraid of speaking, I think probably almost the whole time, almost the whole time there's always been some.

00:14:03.009 --> 00:14:24.884
Whatever the leading edge of the growth is, whatever the leading edge of the curiosity where am I going from here always feels a little scary to just like air publicly, like I don't know where I'm going to end up.

00:14:24.904 --> 00:14:29.567
A past from some of that lag of like.

00:14:29.567 --> 00:14:34.110
When I was interviewed about Genesis, when they asked me the question about Genesis, there was something.

00:14:34.110 --> 00:15:11.408
There was an earlier time when I was really wrestling with it that I probably would have spoken more carefully or more like measured and like tried to honor both perspectives or something, but it had been so long since I even have been thinking about that, but I just kind of casually dismissed my old view, which made people that had that view feel slighted and offended, like well, you're just dismissing us out of hand, like so sometimes the lag in in the real time processing of like what am I wrestling with right now, what don't I know right now, versus like oh, I was doing that five years ago.

00:15:11.408 --> 00:15:13.368
I was thinking about that and I kind of came to this conclusion.

00:15:13.368 --> 00:15:26.341
Sometimes that lag has made me communicate in ways that people felt was dismissive or something, and I do feel sad about those times because I do want to honor everybody else's journey too.

00:15:27.322 --> 00:16:08.008
So one final thing on that and along the honoring other people's journeys, as well as you genuinely being where you were in those times and now you genuinely being where you are now versus gosh 10, 12 years ago, I was writing songs that I didn't believe in, or saying things that I truly didn't believe, but I felt like I had to say that For worship leaders, but church members, whatever it may be, that listen to the songs, these songs right, I mean the songs were like, hey, this is it, knowing where you are now versus where you are then.

00:16:09.188 --> 00:16:10.191
I've always wanted to ask this question.

00:16:10.191 --> 00:16:13.235
I don't even have a thought of what the answer would be, I'm just excited I get to ask.

00:16:13.235 --> 00:16:44.447
It Is how do you feel in your heart, or how does it feel in general, for folks to be singing those songs, genuinely believing and professing God, christ, saving all of that in those songs, and then where you are today, where maybe you feel differently about those things, and there's been an unpacking or, to use the buzzword, a deconstructing, if you will, of those beliefs that were, that were held like.

00:16:44.447 --> 00:16:46.961
What is your posture on that personally?

00:16:46.961 --> 00:16:53.900
As you know the songwriter and the artist yeah, well, first of all, the, the.

00:16:54.381 --> 00:16:55.644
Thank you for the question, the, the.

00:16:55.644 --> 00:16:58.890
Um, I haven't recorded a song.

00:16:58.890 --> 00:17:03.847
I'm combing through my memory banks but other than maybe battle cry.

00:17:03.847 --> 00:17:07.903
Battle cry was a little on the edge of like this feels a little like faking it.

00:17:07.903 --> 00:17:12.132
Uh, for the sake of the the event was called battle cry.

00:17:12.653 --> 00:17:14.891
That wasn't, that wasn't a really authentic expression.

00:17:14.891 --> 00:17:17.321
I was kind of like trying to lend myself to that.

00:17:17.321 --> 00:17:32.813
But aside, aside from that song, I can't think of any songs that I've recorded that weren't a very authentic heart expression at the time and for that reason I've always loved the music that I'm in.

00:17:32.813 --> 00:17:40.093
But for also that reason, there was usually a lag of a handful of years that you know, it was like the songs.

00:17:40.093 --> 00:17:42.625
Five years ago I was like I don't want to sing, sing that anymore.

00:17:42.625 --> 00:17:45.560
But then it got to a stage in the journey.

00:17:45.560 --> 00:17:49.048
Um, we're not where I'm at now is.

00:17:49.048 --> 00:17:53.238
I really do sincerely love all of all of it.

00:17:53.238 --> 00:18:02.023
So people being able to sing any of them, even battle cry, I have to feel about, I have to feel into battle cry a little bit, I'm not sure, but uh, we're putting that in the intro, by the way.

00:18:02.284 --> 00:18:30.207
Yeah, the rest of them, yeah, if people can find and interestingly I could a lot of it's come full circle where I think I can sing all those words myself and I might mean I might have different implications for, like, some of what that might mean to me now than what it meant then or what it might mean to the average person who's singing it in church.

00:18:30.207 --> 00:18:34.520
Um, but I can sing it sincerely.

00:18:34.520 --> 00:18:37.865
Um, almost all of them.

00:18:37.865 --> 00:18:39.385
I'm not.

00:18:39.385 --> 00:18:48.317
There's a couple songs that I wouldn't sing, probably now, just cause it'd be harder to do the translation of how I see things now.

00:18:48.317 --> 00:18:53.230
But most of them fit pretty cleanly into how I, how I see things now.

00:18:53.230 --> 00:18:56.829
It's just, it's a, it's almost up an octave or something.

00:18:56.829 --> 00:19:01.811
It's like it includes and transcends what I thought I meant at the time.

00:19:01.811 --> 00:19:03.884
All right, I really cool.

00:19:04.285 --> 00:19:07.112
I've got to know where you are at now.

00:19:07.112 --> 00:19:15.826
So you know you're in this journey and where are you at now as far as, like, who is Jesus to you?

00:19:15.826 --> 00:19:21.192
What is kind of your spiritual direction, kind of course?

00:19:21.192 --> 00:19:23.367
Like, where did you end up?

00:19:24.099 --> 00:19:25.865
Yeah, kind of course, like where did you end up?

00:19:25.865 --> 00:19:51.875
Yeah, when I look through christianity's history I see like kind of it's this huge tree right, like there's all these branches that have always branched off from the orthodox and the catholic and then the protestants and then the evangelicals and everybody, um, but through the whole tree I can see a mystical strain that I personally place in Jesus' teachings directly.

00:19:51.875 --> 00:20:12.836
I think that goes through certain like there are saints throughts, there's elements of like the Quakers and different streams who have had sort of this view of God that wasn't so fundamentally other.

00:20:12.836 --> 00:20:18.008
And I can find it in the scriptures and you find it in, especially in the Gospel of John.

00:20:18.087 --> 00:20:40.511
That mystical thread kind of stands out particularly brightly to me, particularly brightly to me, and essentially it's that Jesus recognized his shared divinity with the Father, and the Father being the ultimate, unnameable, infinite.

00:20:40.531 --> 00:21:03.167
This, that is the ground of being, and that infinite ocean, if you will found itself particularly manifested as a wave, as Jesus, and the ocean recognized itself in that wave, and I think the work and message of Jesus, the mystical part of it anyway, was calling to that ocean.

00:21:03.167 --> 00:21:11.926
That is in all of us, that is the essence of being itself, and so what?

00:21:11.926 --> 00:21:19.761
I think I am this body, this mind, this thought, this feeling, this perception, this story.

00:21:19.761 --> 00:21:48.874
I see that now, as waves, they're just temporary little waves that are in the ocean, and that the ocean really is what is real, if you will, that God is kind of the only true reality and that all of this is just sort of an appearing wave within God, and that, as we remember that, that's what allows us to not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow takes care of itself.

00:21:48.874 --> 00:21:57.001
Or to just listen to the bird look at the birds they're taking care of, and it's what allows us to love our enemies as ourselves, because they are the same ocean.

00:21:57.001 --> 00:22:00.548
Underneath all the waves, it's the same ocean.

00:22:01.880 --> 00:22:03.928
So God doesn't have a name.

00:22:03.928 --> 00:22:12.430
So you would say old Testament, yahweh, you know it's more than that kind of thing.

00:22:14.161 --> 00:22:15.343
God can have any name.

00:22:15.343 --> 00:22:16.885
God has all the names.

00:22:16.885 --> 00:22:19.892
You can call the ocean whatever you will.

00:22:19.892 --> 00:22:27.746
Infinity, by nature, can't be boxed in, because if you can box in infinity and go, this is what infinity is.

00:22:27.746 --> 00:22:33.130
You're talking about something finite, so you can what you're.

00:22:33.130 --> 00:22:35.508
The box is included in infinity.

00:22:35.508 --> 00:22:36.644
You can't.

00:22:36.644 --> 00:22:40.384
It's so to say what is the infinite name.

00:22:40.384 --> 00:22:42.211
I mean, call it whatever you want, but it's not a.

00:22:42.211 --> 00:22:50.994
It's not an it that can fit inside your head, or a name, otherwise it's, by nature, an idol which is still part of the ocean, it's still part of god.

00:22:50.994 --> 00:22:57.093
It's just a part, it's not the totality have you ever seen the, the movie interstellar?

00:22:59.541 --> 00:23:17.403
you know that end scene that's absolutely bonkers, where it's like you know, basically future humans made this thing, that like this realm that was physical for them now, so that they could actually like see it and understand it.

00:23:17.403 --> 00:23:31.932
That kind of feels very similar to me of what God kind of does for us in the sense of like he does not have a box, at least that you know I'm talking about.

00:23:31.932 --> 00:23:39.545
You know God of the Bible, like no box, infinite, completely, all powerful, all that stuff.

00:23:39.545 --> 00:23:48.865
But we'll never be able to understand all of God, right, like we're humans, we Like we're humans, we're creation, we're the created.

00:23:48.865 --> 00:23:55.073
So we will never be able to understand the depth, like everything, of God.

00:23:55.073 --> 00:23:56.405
There's no way, right.

00:23:56.405 --> 00:24:05.555
But the thing of like God doesn't have a specific name that we could know to be able to know him.

00:24:05.555 --> 00:24:15.250
I believe that we have a knowable God and the only reason I'm saying my belief is because you were like before we recorded.

00:24:15.250 --> 00:24:16.292
It was kind of funny.

00:24:16.292 --> 00:24:20.669
You were like you guys can try to convert me, give it the best you got.

00:24:21.440 --> 00:24:22.989
That prize was thrown out there, yeah.

00:24:23.780 --> 00:24:30.527
So usually I wouldn't be like, hey, this is what I, what I got going on, but you, you opened it up.

00:24:30.527 --> 00:24:32.346
So I'm a, I'm gonna open it up.

00:24:32.346 --> 00:24:42.830
But I'm very curious, because if we don't have like a knowable God, like a relational knowable God, what does that, what does that do for you?

00:24:42.830 --> 00:25:06.380

00:25:07.299 --> 00:25:09.586
Yeah, well, okay, thank you.

00:25:09.586 --> 00:25:10.630
Multiple questions in there.

00:25:10.630 --> 00:25:14.403
I think I'll try to maybe start with that last one.

00:25:14.403 --> 00:25:15.929
It wasn't that Jesus was a big wave.

00:25:15.929 --> 00:25:22.252
It's that literally the ocean knew itself in the small wave that we called Jesus.

00:25:22.252 --> 00:25:24.346
Jesus the body.

00:25:24.346 --> 00:25:39.424
What are we talking about when we're talking about Jesus like a mammal right, like with hair and skin and bone, like that's just temporary, who lived 33 years as that body, like that's a wisp of vapor, it's just a tiny little splash.

00:25:39.424 --> 00:25:41.290
But it wasn't just a splash.

00:25:41.290 --> 00:25:47.665
It was the ocean knowing itself in that splash, and so it wasn't a big wave.

00:25:47.665 --> 00:25:49.109
That was like I'm bigger than the rest of you.

00:25:49.109 --> 00:25:53.652
It was like the ocean knowing itself in any tiny drop.

00:25:55.960 --> 00:25:58.084
So knowable is an interesting because it's not.

00:25:58.084 --> 00:26:04.694
If the duality, the two-ness, maintains itself, the metaphor breaks down quickly.

00:26:04.694 --> 00:26:07.183
Duality, the two-ness maintains itself, the metaphor breaks down quickly.

00:26:07.183 --> 00:26:16.828
Because if it's like I'm the ant and I'm walking on this huge globe and it's impersonal and it feels like, oh well, that feels kind of like what does that do for you?

00:26:16.828 --> 00:26:30.904
Just walking on a big globe, like you can't even know this globe, but that metaphor is infinitely falls short of the distance globe, but that metaphor is infinitely falls short of the distance between a finite person and the infinite God.

00:26:30.904 --> 00:26:32.749
It's not an ant compared to a planet.

00:26:32.749 --> 00:26:35.794
It's infinitely greater than that.

00:26:35.794 --> 00:26:56.671
So it's not like when I say anything that you can know is knowing God, so anything that can be known any name that you could offer it as like a localization of it, like, if you want to feel the ocean, you only can feel a wave.

00:26:56.671 --> 00:27:01.231
You can't touch the ocean without touching a wave.

00:27:01.231 --> 00:27:04.613
That's how you touch the ocean without touching a wave.

00:27:04.613 --> 00:27:18.959
That's how you touch the ocean and in the way God in its, in the we'll call it the infinite or his, however you want to say it it is accessed through, and that's what I love about Christianity, honestly, is this mystical strength?

00:27:18.959 --> 00:27:24.882
It's accessed in the tiniest place.

00:27:24.882 --> 00:27:27.224
It's accessed in a baby, in a manger.

00:27:27.224 --> 00:27:28.446
It's accessed bread and wine.

00:27:28.446 --> 00:27:35.455
It's accessed when you visit me in prison and in the hospitals and in the forgotten corners.

00:27:35.455 --> 00:27:43.067
It's accessed by leaving the 99 and going to the one sheep that was lost.

00:27:43.067 --> 00:27:45.635
It's accessed wherever you think it can't be accessed, it's found.

00:27:45.655 --> 00:27:48.625
It's always incredibly specific and intimate and personal.

00:27:48.625 --> 00:27:50.412
It's not less than personal.

00:27:50.412 --> 00:27:55.567
It includes every bit of personal that you could find in it and it's greater than that.

00:27:55.567 --> 00:28:06.314
It's not just a drop, it's the entire ocean in the drop, it's the entire divinity in every knowing and every personal taste that can be found.

00:28:06.314 --> 00:28:08.446
So call it, yeah, call it Yahweh.

00:28:08.446 --> 00:28:27.944
It's great, it's beautiful, it's a name to call it, but when we separate ourselves from it and we go, I'm the ant and there's a big giant who it can feel on some level like that's being more respectful of God, like I'm not gonna just deep, depersonalize god into an ocean.

00:28:27.944 --> 00:28:41.131
It's like no, can you not see how you're infinitely shrinking god by thinking of, of infinity as just like a big guy that's infinitely shrinking?

00:28:41.131 --> 00:28:42.932
Yeah, I love the big guy.

00:28:42.992 --> 00:28:46.517
It's just like a big dude in the sky.

00:28:46.517 --> 00:28:51.023
That's not infinity, yeah yeah, I'm.

00:28:51.444 --> 00:28:56.692
I'm really intrigued by the, the, the phrase the ocean knowing itself.

00:28:56.692 --> 00:29:03.824
So I'm gonna I'm gonna throw something out here because I'm trying to wrap my mind, and maybe the whole point is that you can't wrap your mind around it, and that's the beauty of it.

00:29:03.824 --> 00:29:07.551
I'm trying to wrap my mind around what you mean by the ocean knowing itself.

00:29:07.551 --> 00:29:09.061
Who's the guy who does the?

00:29:09.061 --> 00:29:10.265
You made it weird podcast.

00:29:10.265 --> 00:29:11.949
He's a comedian, pete holmes.

00:29:11.949 --> 00:29:19.762
Pete holmes, okay, so pete holmes had andy hole of manchester orchestra manchester orchestra as a size, my favorite band of all time had him on the podcast.

00:29:19.863 --> 00:29:47.807
And in this, in this thing, they're talking about songwritingwriting and Pete Holmes referenced a songwriter who in this story I'm only saying all this so that way I can prove that it's a legitimate thing that actually happened, rather than me making it up off the top of my head is he wrote this song about a divorce or a messy breakup, and then performed this song and then at the end of the show, a fan came up and was like hey, man, I really, really love that song about the titanic.

00:29:47.807 --> 00:29:49.511

00:29:49.511 --> 00:29:57.798
And then the artist in this story he's like I had to learn that my best response to that person is thank you like that's.

00:29:57.798 --> 00:29:59.503
That's not what I meant by the song.

00:29:59.503 --> 00:30:05.326
I wrote this song from a voice up here but to the listener, you heard a song about the titanic, so thank you.

00:30:05.326 --> 00:30:06.786
Thank you for appreciating that song.

00:30:07.188 --> 00:30:10.099
Is that, is that close in the realm of what you're talking about?

00:30:10.099 --> 00:30:12.846
The ocean knowing itself, where the ocean is the ocean.

00:30:12.846 --> 00:30:20.347
The song is a song about a breakup to the writer, but to the listener they're hearing a song about a ship going down.

00:30:20.347 --> 00:30:22.752
And is that close?

00:30:22.752 --> 00:30:24.324
Or is it a is a place?

00:30:24.324 --> 00:30:25.366
Because I want to.

00:30:25.366 --> 00:30:28.426
And again, maybe the beauty is that you can't wrap your mind around it.

00:30:28.426 --> 00:30:31.921
But the ocean knowing itself is a very intriguing statement for me.

00:30:31.921 --> 00:30:36.810
That the pete holmes excerpt just came to my mind it's.

00:30:36.911 --> 00:30:48.383
It's even more fundamental than that, because it's who's the listener and who's the artist, gets blended Because it's not blended in a.

00:30:48.383 --> 00:30:57.580
It's not a whitewashing of distinction, it's not an elimination of difference, it's not.

00:30:57.580 --> 00:31:00.305
Sometimes that can be sort of like.

00:31:00.305 --> 00:31:16.244
I remember hearing that as a as a kid, like when I'd hear people like god is in, like I, I term like um pantheism, for instance, which is not a term that any mystic that I've ever heard would use to express their own beliefs.

00:31:16.244 --> 00:31:48.315
It's that's more of a derisive term from somebody outside of it who's going oh, you're just saying the rock is god and the tree is God and the ocean is God, and I remember hearing that I'm just kidding yeah but it was how I heard it was a devaluing of God where, like, god was just a bunch of rocks and stars and oceans and people and like what?

00:31:48.335 --> 00:31:48.355

00:31:48.355 --> 00:31:56.060
What a minimized view of God, um, but I see it precisely opposite.

00:31:56.060 --> 00:31:56.982
No, it's, it's not.

00:31:56.982 --> 00:32:08.228
Like, it's not that God is just rocks and stars and people, but that the no.

00:32:08.248 --> 00:32:30.375
Go back to sorry, real quick to your, to your statement about, um, not being able to wrap your head around it, cause it it really can't be, but but it wraps itself around your head, or it it it is, it is your head trying to wrap itself around it, um, and it doesn't have a problem with that.

00:32:30.375 --> 00:32:50.159
It's so big and so loving, it's so infinitely powerful and, yes, it's the infinite yes of everything that it includes the experience of being separate from it inside of itself.

00:32:50.159 --> 00:32:56.750
And it's like no, I'm not it, I'm Michael, and I believe that it doesn't.

00:32:56.750 --> 00:33:06.113
It's not just everything, it's everything and nothing and transcendent of that, it's unspeakable, it literally is ultimate mystery.

00:33:06.113 --> 00:33:32.476
And that ultimate mystery when surrendered to from the perspective of a human mind, when that, when the human mind goes, not my will, not the, not the brain that's trying to wrap itself around infinity, but yours be done and it kind of like turns inside out and it's like, all of a sudden, all the thinking and all the trying to strive gets surrendered into the ocean, if you will, into itself.

00:33:32.757 --> 00:33:35.487
And then it's seen that's the ocean knowing itself.

00:33:35.487 --> 00:33:43.448
It's like, oh, all that that I thought I was is just a tiny drop I can see.

00:33:43.448 --> 00:33:45.173
It's just a tiny passing drop.

00:33:45.173 --> 00:33:52.290
And if it's just from the place where you're identified as the drop, it can't be seen, it just literally like you can't.

00:33:52.290 --> 00:34:06.548
It sounds like utter blasphemy, it sounds like utter heresy and absurdity to be like I'm not, I'm just a drop, I'm talking about the big thing.

00:34:06.548 --> 00:34:13.463
It's like, no, the drop is the big thing and until it's, it really is unspeakable and it's better.

00:34:13.463 --> 00:34:18.650
I think that's what I love about Jesus' teachings, how I hear Jesus' teachings.

00:34:18.650 --> 00:34:20.335
He accessed it through stories.

00:34:21.146 --> 00:34:22.893
He accessed it through parables.

00:34:22.893 --> 00:34:34.027
He accessed it through direct interactions with people, where they were healed and where their eyes were opened, spiritually and physically and whatever else it's like.

00:34:34.027 --> 00:34:40.730
Look, the kingdom of heaven that I'm talking about is within you, the ocean that I'm talking about.

00:34:40.730 --> 00:34:42.936
I am the vine, you are the branches.

00:34:42.936 --> 00:34:44.409
I and the Father are one.

00:34:44.409 --> 00:34:48.356
May you and I be one, as I and my Father are one.

00:34:48.356 --> 00:34:49.327
All that stuff.

00:34:49.327 --> 00:34:52.574
It's poetic because you can't say it.

00:34:52.574 --> 00:34:56.652
You can't say what he was trying to say, but he said it almost pretty well.

00:34:57.853 --> 00:35:05.054
Yeah, it's I, I, um, I can hold a tune in a bucket, but I wouldn't hold, I wouldn't call myself an artist.

00:35:05.054 --> 00:35:44.610
Yet I work very closely with a number of artists and, um, you know, it's here in greenville, makoto, fuji mora um has, yeah, at a local church and and he's, and then they had a conference at first presbyterian here in greenville and and he was somebody that was very intriguing because, as somebody for me, who I don't, I don't necessarily think black and white, I think I think god is teaching me what living in the tension of the gray looks like, oddly enough, through my work with artists and just the unique perspective that those with the gift of artistry can bring.

00:35:44.610 --> 00:36:20.101
Makoto is a tough one because it's abstract and so it's, rather than looking at it and saying, okay, this is clearly a tree and the sun is setting and there's a tire swing hanging, and then you have your red 1940, you know F-150 and you know like it's up to the viewer, in a way, to interpret what the painting is, interpret what the painting is as well, as in hearing Fujimura talk a lot of times he's figuring out what the painting is as he's painting it Like it's.

00:36:20.101 --> 00:36:35.068
It's a very um use his words incorrectly, but from the reader's perspective it seems like a very Holy spirit led journey of I'm going to do this and let you guide me, rather than me saying in my head I have a picture of a tree and I'm going to paint that tree, and that was kind.

00:36:35.068 --> 00:37:00.559
Lead, which is kind of viewed as a toxin and a poison, if you will, and gauze, which is used as a means of healing and of restorative.

00:37:00.559 --> 00:37:07.025
And we're on this beautiful journey of talking about how he uses those two mediums together.

00:37:07.025 --> 00:37:10.295
And here's what this piece means and here's the interaction thereof.

00:37:11.105 --> 00:37:51.914
And in the same way that I kind of geeked out over getting to ask you the question of what would you say to the Christian worship leader who's singing a song that you wrote 15 years ago that now maybe you're on a different spot of that sidewalk I got to geek out and ask him a question of does it drive you insane that if you didn't tell me that, if you didn't walk me through that presentation, I would go and view your artwork and really have no idea all of the delicacies and the time spent laboring over that piece of artwork that you now shared with me, that now I have a greater understanding of the depth because I'm now aligned with you in your heart, if you will of that piece.

00:37:51.914 --> 00:37:55.695
Does that bother you that if you didn't do that, that I could see your piece and not know that.

00:37:55.695 --> 00:38:04.534
And his answer and I want to hear your thoughts on this because I had a hard time believing him and maybe that says something more about me than it does about him he said no.

00:38:04.534 --> 00:38:05.217
He said no.

00:38:05.217 --> 00:38:20.221
That doesn't bother me at all because I want to invite the viewer to look at this piece and really dwell with these elements and then let the art mean to them what it means to them.

00:38:20.221 --> 00:38:25.036
And I'm okay with the artist's heart never really truly connecting.

00:38:25.036 --> 00:38:29.373
It's the beauty of the art in and of itself that allows that connection to happen.

00:38:30.076 --> 00:38:56.858
And in hearing your conversation about the community gatherings and knowing the insane vulnerability and time and delicacy it takes to write music and sing songs and say the things that are written on your heart in a poetic form, what is your thought on that as an artist, as a writer, are you okay with that?

00:38:56.938 --> 00:39:09.777
And two, even as we talk about this ocean and the drop and never knowing it for the infinite God, that is unnameable, yet all-nameable, that, if I'm hearing you correctly, you're speaking of that way.

00:39:09.777 --> 00:39:13.746
Are any of those things connecting in that?

00:39:13.746 --> 00:39:16.108
Because I'm just relaying to you.

00:39:16.108 --> 00:39:41.827
Here's where my mind is running as I'm hearing you speak and trying to me, but in hearing you say let's not degrade the infinite or let's not limit the infinite to well, if you think God is a rock, then God is a rock, and if you think God is the tree, god is the tree.

00:39:41.827 --> 00:39:54.947
You're saying sit with the peace and know that, whatever that means to you, it means more, because the artist felt this way about this component and the person who could come after me.

00:39:54.947 --> 00:39:56.510
It it's.

00:39:56.510 --> 00:39:59.016
It's a yes, and am I hearing you correctly in saying that?

00:40:00.909 --> 00:40:07.612
I love you bringing the art piece into it again and maybe it's maybe that brings more nuance to what you were asking before.

00:40:07.652 --> 00:40:50.099
Forgive me if I didn't answer your question no, all good, I'm just trying to learn um, well, first, I love, yeah, I love that he brings that and I love that he uses like the holy spirit language in that, because it's it's a very zen thing as well, like that's how zen art and and zen practices like, like archery and like tea ceremonies, and it's very much like can you get out of the way of, of what they would, you know, what they might call the dao or the um, which is, which is interesting that translates as the word um, the word, and that's actually in chinese bibles, like they have.

00:40:50.099 --> 00:40:56.639
The uh in the beginning was the dao and Tao was with God and the Tao was God.

00:40:56.639 --> 00:41:06.719
And so this and sorry for conflict Zen and Taoism are different.

00:41:06.719 --> 00:41:21.884
I don't want to conflate those, those, but um, the, this creative aspect of like when you're writing a song or making a painting, I think you can experience anybody who's had something kind of come through them.

00:41:21.884 --> 00:41:25.472
It doesn't have to even just be art, like you can feel when you're just in the flow in life.

00:41:25.472 --> 00:41:34.119
It can be in a conversation, it can be um, you just are actually tasting the food that you're eating and it's just happening.

00:41:34.119 --> 00:41:35.871
You're not like in the way of it.

00:41:35.871 --> 00:41:41.356
You can kind of know what that feeling of being in the way of your life is versus, like, the flow.

00:41:43.744 --> 00:42:01.454
And when you're an artist, songwriter, whatever it is, and you can be in that place of surrender which is what I was talking about before when the brain sort of like turns inside out and is like not my will but your will be done, and it sort of like lays back into the wave, lays into the ocean and just goes.

00:42:01.454 --> 00:42:09.896
You're the ocean fully, that the wave actually can become extremely beautiful.

00:42:09.896 --> 00:42:24.117
Extremely beautiful that a mind that is surrendered to Christ can be the most exquisite vessel for creativity to come through, for spirit to create through, if you will.

00:42:24.117 --> 00:42:39.181
Because, the way I see it, it's only spirit who creates, it's only God who is the creator, and the ways that I stand in the way of that, as trying to be other than that, are blocks to my creativity.

00:42:39.181 --> 00:42:45.556
It's not like I got to do the creating and I can get a little juice from God.

00:42:45.556 --> 00:42:47.172
No, I can't do anything.

00:42:47.172 --> 00:42:49.166
What I think of as me can't create a single thing.

00:42:49.166 --> 00:42:51.590
What I think of as me can't create a single thing.

00:42:51.590 --> 00:43:00.201
So it's only to the degree that I can sort of step out of the way and become a vessel through which the ocean makes all the waves.

00:43:00.201 --> 00:43:08.693
The waves can't make anything, they can't do anything by themselves, they're just being created themselves.

00:43:09.414 --> 00:43:40.255
So, um, this artistic that, that artistic humility, even of like I I, I love seeing what the the, the viewer or the listener can hear in it themselves is, is that's the kind of the only appropriate to me stance, if, if you've allowed, if you're allowing yourself to be a creative vessel, because you know it's not yours, you didn't create it, you're just you're.

00:43:40.255 --> 00:43:48.110
You were a vessel through which this happened, and it's God speaking, and and so how does God?

00:43:48.110 --> 00:44:08.697
Being heard is fascinating and a beautiful and the most thrilling part of being an artist to me is like how, how you get to watch it come through you and then you get to watch it do what it does in other people, and that's it's beautiful to witness and that's like the gift sitting in the seat of the vessel that you get to behold.

00:44:09.605 --> 00:44:12.114
Yeah, that's, that's really fascinating.

00:44:12.114 --> 00:44:13.943
I'm going to ask one, one final question and I want to hear yeah, that's, that's really fascinating.

00:44:13.943 --> 00:44:16.541
I'm going to ask one, one final question and I want to hear what's on grant's mind and maybe this.

00:44:16.541 --> 00:44:21.197
Maybe this is a closed conversation and maybe it makes the podcast, maybe doesn't.

00:44:21.197 --> 00:44:23.405
I know you met with grant before.

00:44:23.405 --> 00:44:30.121
If you were speaking to um, if grant and I were like, hey, we're buddhists.

00:44:30.882 --> 00:44:33.431
Like would you be using a different set of language right now?

00:44:33.431 --> 00:44:37.331
Because in hearing your language, you're using Bible language.

00:44:37.331 --> 00:44:38.094
I'm a vessel.

00:44:38.094 --> 00:44:43.775
You're almost using it in a way of total depravity language.

00:44:43.775 --> 00:44:49.192
There's nothing good that can come of me other than God working through me, and so I'm hearing those things.

00:44:49.192 --> 00:44:50.865
I'm like, yes, I can relate to that.

00:44:50.865 --> 00:44:55.148
Are you saying that because you know that we can relate to that, or is that truly like?

00:44:55.148 --> 00:44:59.452
Are there components where it's like, hey, this is, it's all in there?

00:44:59.452 --> 00:45:07.257
Like it's all in there because I find it, I relate to what you're saying All the while.

00:45:07.257 --> 00:45:13.021
I know that I'm trying to comprehend what you're saying, but I can't relate to some of the things you're saying.

00:45:13.021 --> 00:45:16.775
And are you, are you specifically crafting that or is it?

00:45:16.775 --> 00:45:20.193
Or is it coming from a place of of truly like this, is it?

00:45:20.746 --> 00:45:22.512
He's a Calvinist Basically.

00:45:22.512 --> 00:45:27.309
Michael Gungor is a Calvinist.

00:45:27.309 --> 00:45:27.769
Yeah, it's funny.

00:45:31.985 --> 00:45:37.065
Cause I can, um, it's kind of both in a way.

00:45:37.065 --> 00:45:38.186
It's not that I'm.

00:45:38.186 --> 00:45:54.327
I don't feel like I'm translating my naturally Buddhist language into Christian In a way, like Christian is actually my native tongue still, like that vessel comes out a little more naturally and easily than if I was going to speak Buddhist with you.

00:45:54.327 --> 00:46:12.369
But I feel like I can speak multiple languages, so I probably could say the same thing in atheist, in Buddhist, maybe in Hindu, maybe in Zen, probably not in Islam, I don't know about, in Judaism.

00:46:12.369 --> 00:46:14.496
There's like some languages that I don't speak.

00:46:14.664 --> 00:46:47.829
But this is, I think there's a mystical thread through all the major religions, that in all the major religions you can find threads that are, in fact, the bulk of the religions, are not the mystical thread, they're the sort of the, the outer body of the religions, and on that, on that way, all the religions are vastly different from each other and even within incel, like, think of the difference between, yeah, an eastern orthodox church and a hillsong church.

00:46:47.829 --> 00:47:10.693
It's very different, yeah, um, but this mystical thread where you're talking about infinite mystery and when they go like, yes, we call god father, or we call god shiva, or we call that which is the dao, or we call as I'm an atheist, I call it the universe, or whatever people call the biggest thing that they have in their language.

00:47:10.693 --> 00:47:15.306
Um, I know how to like sub those words out.

00:47:15.306 --> 00:47:20.538
You'd be like what you would call the universe, or yeah, so so the the mystical thread.

00:47:21.045 --> 00:47:26.715
The mystical thread is the mystical thread, and then christianity, buddhism, atheism, etc.

00:47:26.715 --> 00:47:28.219
Etc are all.

00:47:28.219 --> 00:47:36.911
Here are our interpretations of creating a parameter to understand the mystical thread which we all, which, yeah, okay okay, I get it.

00:47:36.911 --> 00:47:37.293
I get it.

00:47:37.293 --> 00:47:41.492
Okay that that it's clicking now because coexist baby yeah, I mean you would.

00:47:41.532 --> 00:47:44.626
You would say that that Christy correct me if I'm wrong.

00:47:44.626 --> 00:48:07.849
Christianity, which is, which is not only the language I can speak, but the language that I am, is Christianity is saying that we are taking the mystical thread and saying here are the parameters around, because what we agree upon Christians, agree upon God, is unknowing, like who can know the?

00:48:07.889 --> 00:48:08.672
mind of God.

00:48:08.672 --> 00:48:09.434
Yeah, unknowable.

00:48:09.625 --> 00:48:12.168
Yeah, who can know the mind of God, who can comprehend his ways?

00:48:12.168 --> 00:48:20.036
Yet we have Christ, and Christ came and lived a life that every temptation that we feel he has felt.

00:48:20.036 --> 00:48:23.835
He lived a life that we know objectively we can't live because we're fallen.

00:48:23.835 --> 00:48:27.012
Yet he's called the son of suffering.

00:48:27.012 --> 00:48:34.606
And so there's this element of I can know and know because he lives and dwells within me through the Holy Spirit.

00:48:34.606 --> 00:48:43.257
I know Him and I know Him, yet His ways are unknowable.

00:48:43.257 --> 00:48:45.708
The knowing that, hey, I can know Him.

00:48:45.708 --> 00:48:48.056
That is a Christian parameter.

00:48:48.056 --> 00:48:53.706
I want to try to speak your language now in a way that I feel like I can't, but I want to learn.

00:48:53.706 --> 00:48:57.599
There's a Christian parameter around knowing God.

00:48:57.599 --> 00:49:01.871
That is a parameter that Christianity has put, in the same way that for another religion.

00:49:01.871 --> 00:49:08.211
That's a parameter they have put of knowing, at the end of the day, the same mystical thread.

00:49:08.211 --> 00:49:12.389
We're all trying to reach back to the mystical thread and these are the things that we're saying.

00:49:12.389 --> 00:49:13.653
This is what we're calling it.

00:49:15.005 --> 00:49:19.630
Yeah, this is what we're calling it, this is what's appropriate, this is how you get there.

00:49:19.630 --> 00:49:28.869
It's almost like perhaps I don't know if this metaphor will work, but I love metaphors there's all these different trees.

00:49:28.869 --> 00:49:29.893
I'm looking out my window right now.

00:49:29.893 --> 00:49:32.273
I can see different kinds of trees, different kinds of plants.

00:49:32.273 --> 00:49:33.088
And there's all these different trees.

00:49:33.088 --> 00:49:33.867
I'm looking out my window right now.

00:49:33.867 --> 00:49:40.873
I can see different kinds of trees, different kinds of plants, and I wouldn't say they're the same, like they have similar characteristics Some of them, some of them have leaves, some of them have flowers, but they're very differently shaped.

00:49:40.925 --> 00:50:06.673
They have very different purposes, if you will, in the, in the landscape, um, but they all are drinking the same sunlight and the same water, and some of them might even share root systems and like the deeper you go into, um sort of the ground, if you will, of the trees there is, they share their being in a way, even though there's still differences.

00:50:06.733 --> 00:50:15.105
So, to me, when we're talking about what where you started versus even the end of some of your sentences, like okay, we're talking about where you started, versus even the end of some of your sentences Like, okay, we're talking about the mind of God, cannot be known.

00:50:15.105 --> 00:50:23.697
That's pretty deep in all the religions, that's pretty at the foundation, towards the trunk, that's in the ground.

00:50:23.697 --> 00:50:31.972
But then you go and you said but we're all fallen and we're all, and that to me, when I hear that I hear a flower, I hear that's a flower on a specific bush.

00:50:31.972 --> 00:50:35.130
And that to me, when I hear that I hear flower, I hear that's a flower on a specific bush.

00:50:35.130 --> 00:50:50.126
That's a doctrine that gets used for specific purposes, um, and that's not necessarily a shared doctrine with a lot of the other bushes, um, even within christianity, but that's a specific bush, and okay.

00:50:50.126 --> 00:50:58.059
So what I'm saying is like, yeah, when I'm talking about the mystical threat, I'm talking about as deep as you can possibly go into, basically the sunlight or the water.

00:50:58.059 --> 00:51:00.172
It's just the most fundamental.

00:51:00.965 --> 00:51:02.170
That metaphor was fantastic.

00:51:02.512 --> 00:51:06.414
Yeah, all right, it finally made sense in 52 minutes, got it.

00:51:07.985 --> 00:51:09.349
Yeah, that's record time for me.

00:51:09.349 --> 00:51:13.559
Normally it's four hours, and then we say hey, join us next week for part two.

00:51:13.559 --> 00:51:16.405
So I mean this is 52 minutes 52 minutes.

00:51:16.485 --> 00:51:16.945
I got it.

00:51:16.945 --> 00:51:19.367
We're all I understand now.

00:51:19.367 --> 00:51:24.648
At least I think I understand, which probably means I absolutely don't, but we'll find out later.

00:51:24.648 --> 00:51:38.655
So it sounds like to me and I pretty much can only speak Christian or lukewarm Christian.

00:51:38.655 --> 00:51:42.976
Those are my two native tongues, if you will.

00:51:43.617 --> 00:51:44.197
I like that.

00:51:44.197 --> 00:51:46.018
Yeah, Backslidden.

00:51:46.038 --> 00:51:48.179
Christian, yeah, christian.

00:51:48.179 --> 00:51:56.981
Or thought I was Christian and wasn't for my whole life and then finally had an encounter with Jesus, and that's way different than anything I've ever experienced ever.

00:51:58.143 --> 00:52:00.063
Christian or Christian in quotes.

00:52:00.063 --> 00:52:07.139
Those are my two native tongues, if you will.

00:52:07.139 --> 00:52:20.661
But it sounds like you're describing the idea of the I am, if that makes sense, like when they ask like God of the Bible, of the old Testament, so that we can put it into language that makes sense to me.

00:52:20.661 --> 00:52:24.708
It sounds like you're talking a lot about like the I am.

00:52:24.708 --> 00:52:27.231
Like what are you I am?

00:52:27.231 --> 00:52:41.637
What a statement that is like that just to me, like almost made me excited because, like you were like you know, the god I'm talking about is so big and he like you, he would blow your mind.

00:52:41.637 --> 00:52:42.885
Like he made your mind.

00:52:42.885 --> 00:52:45.612
Like you can't even come close, like that sort of thing.

00:52:45.612 --> 00:52:47.297
Like I am fired up by that.

00:52:47.297 --> 00:52:48.606
That is heck.

00:52:48.606 --> 00:52:50.246
Yeah, you know what I Like.

00:52:50.246 --> 00:52:56.730
That God is the I am Like that is a God that's worth following with everything you got, whatever.

00:52:56.730 --> 00:53:00.192
That guy like that is not big man in the sky.

00:53:00.192 --> 00:53:04.873
That is infinite power and majesty there's a different ballgame.

00:53:05.594 --> 00:53:07.394
So I am, whatever that is.

00:53:07.394 --> 00:53:09.635
I am on team, that for sure.

00:53:09.755 --> 00:53:17.219
Yes, but Same oh no, I'm on team, that for sure.

00:53:17.219 --> 00:53:26.070
Yes, but same Michael's about you're about to come at heart Like yes, it's like ah, here we go.

00:53:28.005 --> 00:53:29.068
You're also my guess.

00:53:29.068 --> 00:53:29.992
Okay, go ahead.

00:53:29.992 --> 00:53:32.289
No, give me what your guess.

00:53:32.289 --> 00:53:40.786
I'm curious, no you please, please all right, I don't know I thought I was like, I'll tell you after, I'll tell you after all right, love it.

00:53:41.327 --> 00:53:52.795
Um, so, yes, 100 dude, I am, I am on that team, and if that's not the god of the bible and you can like prove that to me right now, sure, you know what I mean.

00:53:52.795 --> 00:54:15.896
But and this is a big but what do you do with the passages in these various religions that are like if you don't believe this, or if you know, let's not even go Christian, let's go Egyptian, or anything Like, if you don't believe this, you are totally screwed.

00:54:15.896 --> 00:54:17.367
What do you do with?

00:54:17.367 --> 00:54:20.637
Because it's not like we're all in a happy little garden.

00:54:20.637 --> 00:54:26.378
It's like some religions are like hey, if you don't follow this, there is a problem.

00:54:26.378 --> 00:54:31.737
What do you do with that kind of because that's not happy little garden territory, that's right.

00:54:31.737 --> 00:54:34.673
There's a God and he's ticked.

00:54:37.309 --> 00:54:46.438
Well, I think you have to make a number of assumptions to believe any of those claims.

00:54:46.438 --> 00:54:51.376
First of all, you have to believe in a second I am.

00:54:51.376 --> 00:55:08.351
So you have to start with with okay, there's the I am that is infinite, all-powerful, and and I am, who somehow can, is outside of that infinity but also I don't have it in the doctrine of the trinity.

00:55:08.431 --> 00:55:10.757
That makes no sense, but I believe it in everything.

00:55:10.985 --> 00:55:13.608
Well, but even well, I believe in the doctrine of the trinity makes no sense, but I believe it in everything.

00:55:13.608 --> 00:55:22.487
Well, I believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, in my own way, or not in my own way, I would say I think it's a beautiful doctrine.

00:55:22.487 --> 00:55:30.215
If I describe what I think it points to, it might cause people to say I disagree.

00:55:30.215 --> 00:55:35.101
But the I am that I'm talking about is you and me.

00:55:35.101 --> 00:55:38.929
Like the second I am, like who's the second?

00:55:38.929 --> 00:55:46.208
The I am that stands away from separate from I am is something you have to believe in to go.

00:55:46.208 --> 00:55:51.237
If I don't believe in I am properly, where do I go?

00:55:51.237 --> 00:55:52.139
Who's the second I?

00:55:52.139 --> 00:56:00.168
That's the question that I think is more interesting.

00:56:00.188 --> 00:56:13.681
I actually don't have any theological qualms with Christianity as far as saying God is infinite, omniscient, omnipresent, that God is fully found in the Trinity and fully in Christ.

00:56:13.681 --> 00:56:15.047
No problems with any of these things.

00:56:15.047 --> 00:56:18.032
Where I have a problem is who's talking?

00:56:18.032 --> 00:56:20.858
Who's the I am?

00:56:20.858 --> 00:56:23.389
That is another I am.

00:56:23.389 --> 00:56:27.456
Who's the other God apart from God?

00:56:27.456 --> 00:56:29.639
That can be separate from God?

00:56:29.639 --> 00:56:31.755
That's what I don't believe in.

00:56:31.755 --> 00:56:43.934
It's not that I don't believe in God, it's I don't believe that I, what I think I am, is actually a separate divine reality from the divine reality.

00:56:45.105 --> 00:56:47.108
Gotcha, I get it.

00:56:47.108 --> 00:56:48.869
I think Once again.

00:56:48.869 --> 00:56:49.150
I think.

00:56:49.150 --> 00:56:59.766
So you got this like basically, if god like I believe in christianity, so that's the way I gotta talk.

00:56:59.766 --> 00:57:04.349
So god created me right?

00:57:04.349 --> 00:57:09.193
We agree, ish there yeah, but what?

00:57:09.193 --> 00:57:12.956
Is me, but exactly so me would be.

00:57:12.956 --> 00:57:25.195
There's no way possible to separate the creation from the creator, Like that's not separate, that is always separate.

00:57:26.485 --> 00:57:30.791
To me that's a little bit like saying in the other metaphor you can't separate the wave from the ocean.

00:57:30.791 --> 00:57:31.793
You kind of can.

00:57:31.793 --> 00:57:43.255
You can go like, if we're talking about that body, that mind, those feelings, those emotions, those memories, that DNA, we can say like that's not the entirety of reality.

00:57:43.255 --> 00:57:49.211
But we're saying the identity piece, like what is identifying with something?

00:57:49.211 --> 00:57:51.376
What is that process?

00:57:51.376 --> 00:58:04.686
And what I see experientially, not just philosophically and abstractly, is when I identify with something, I can go like there's a difference between going oh, there's some anger happening here and I'm angry, screw you.

00:58:04.686 --> 00:58:12.311
When I identify with the anger and I grab onto it and it's me, I'm lost in it and it's controlling me when I'm.

00:58:12.311 --> 00:58:19.121
When I can go oh, there's a, there's an assumption here that Jesus was uniquely the son of God.

00:58:19.121 --> 00:58:19.967
Okay, that's one thing.

00:58:19.967 --> 00:58:24.335
Going, I am a Christian who believes there's.

00:58:24.465 --> 00:58:36.956
There's an identity identification piece that can happen in these discussions that when it's invisible to us, it's you're in it so much it's like, uh, it's you're blind to it.

00:58:36.956 --> 00:58:42.858
And so identifying is like grasping and putting something up on the.

00:58:42.858 --> 00:58:44.472
It's like putting up glasses.

00:58:44.472 --> 00:58:48.713
You're wearing purple glasses now and everything is purple because you're identified.

00:58:48.713 --> 00:58:51.358
It's you, yeah, it's not just you're seeing the purple glasses.

00:58:51.358 --> 00:59:15.498
So even in saying something like the God of the Bible versus the Bible of God, it's a reversal of and I heard you say that, I don't know if both of you said it at some point in this podcast where it's like if we put the cart before the horse, it's kind of what it is to me.

00:59:15.585 --> 00:59:29.440
It's like God is a thing that the Bible is talking about, which makes the Bible the ultimate reality, versus God being the ultimate reality in which the Bible exists.

00:59:30.405 --> 00:59:33.117
We agree on that for sure in which the Bible exists.

00:59:33.117 --> 00:59:34.903
We agree on that for sure.

00:59:34.903 --> 00:59:46.793
It's just the only way to talk for me would be to put it I don't know a better way to say it other than like the Yahweh, like that would be a better way, because I do believe that God has a name that he shared with us, kind of thing.

00:59:46.793 --> 00:59:50.936
So that would be my way of saying Yahweh, the God of the Bible?

00:59:50.936 --> 00:59:52.429
I don't think.

00:59:52.429 --> 00:59:54.271
But yeah, keep going.

00:59:54.925 --> 00:59:58.215
But can you feel the difference between the Bible of God and the God of the Bible?

00:59:59.032 --> 01:00:00.789
I very much can and I do.

01:00:00.789 --> 01:00:17.375
It gets a little sticky in that regard of, like you know, the Bible of God or the God of the Bible, because if God wrote it, it's like saying you know the song of Michael Gungor, kind of thing.

01:00:17.375 --> 01:00:25.333
I believe that God inspired the Bible and so that is an extension of himself.

01:00:25.333 --> 01:00:34.835
I believe that it would be perfect in the sense of inerrant, in the sense of that it conveys absolute truth.

01:00:34.835 --> 01:00:42.773
Not that you know which this is something I might disagree with some people on but, like I do believe that it conveys absolute truth.

01:00:42.773 --> 01:00:48.646
I think that there's some dates and some things that like are in different places to symbolize different things, and this means that.

01:00:48.646 --> 01:00:57.932
But I think that everything about the Bible is 100% true in the sense of where I believe, like how I define truth, if that makes sense.

01:00:58.735 --> 01:01:05.831
Yeah, the funny thing is, I would say the same but, I would say that about everything yeah, you

01:01:06.210 --> 01:01:06.891
have to.

01:01:06.891 --> 01:01:08.092
Here's where we're goofed.

01:01:08.092 --> 01:01:16.121
So because I, I, I am gonna, um, because you have to have a line somewhere, right?

01:01:16.121 --> 01:01:19.871
So or maybe you don't, maybe because I've talked.

01:01:19.871 --> 01:01:26.353
I've talked to a man before, dude, that you cannot get to the bottom of his beliefs at all ever, which is fine.

01:01:26.353 --> 01:01:30.570
And if you, if you're one of those guys, that's totally, that's totally fine.

01:01:30.570 --> 01:01:37.469
But you're like I might be dude, you have no clue, um, so what do you?

01:01:37.469 --> 01:01:40.735
What do you put jesus's teachings about hell?

01:01:40.735 --> 01:01:44.409
Like, yeah, you've got to do something with that.

01:01:44.409 --> 01:01:50.146
That can't just be like you know, if you don't, you know, you're saved by the name jesus christ.

01:01:50.146 --> 01:01:52.271
Like, if you don't, you, you've got to do something with that.

01:01:53.032 --> 01:01:54.454
Well, this is so, this is.

01:01:54.454 --> 01:01:57.686
There's kind of two parts of that that I would love to answer.

01:01:57.686 --> 01:02:11.168
One is I hear Jesus meaning a very different thing, but why it's become what it's become, I think is also interesting and kind of still as part of your last question, that I would love to still kind of answer a little more effectively if possible.

01:02:11.168 --> 01:02:23.039
So maybe there's I have to hold possibility there could be a being that is like this big guy being in the sky.

01:02:23.039 --> 01:02:55.226
Maybe he's got a beard in the sky, maybe he's not, maybe he's whatever, I don't know, I don't know and maybe he burns people for all of time in a lake of fire if they don't X, y, z, whatever it is, believe or behave right or whatever it is Possible In that scenario.

01:02:55.266 --> 01:02:57.389
In my estimation, that's the worst possible being that could ever exist.

01:02:57.389 --> 01:02:58.172
That is Satan that has gained control.

01:02:58.172 --> 01:03:10.300
Hitler literally looks like a saint compared to that being, because Hitler's killing of 6 million Jews was at least fairly quick compared to eternity.

01:03:10.300 --> 01:03:31.371
And even if you know, I remember when I was deconstructing hell or questioning hell, like one of the questions that came to me, I remember, was like, okay, if I was in charge of dealing out justice and I had, I was in charge of Hitler and I was like, okay, this is like the worst guy ever.

01:03:31.371 --> 01:03:35.757
And I was like, yeah, lake of fire go.

01:03:35.757 --> 01:03:37.960
And I sat there and watched him burn.

01:03:45.385 --> 01:03:47.452
How long would it be before it became abhorrent for me to keep letting that happen?

01:03:47.452 --> 01:03:51.273
Like, maybe it's, you know, he's in there, for if you're watching him scream for five minutes, that would be a lot.

01:03:51.273 --> 01:03:52.365
Five minutes of like full body, consciously.

01:03:52.365 --> 01:03:52.844
And you're still like, yeah, you shouldn.

01:03:52.844 --> 01:03:53.809
He's in there, for if you're watching him scream for five minutes, that would be a lot.

01:03:53.809 --> 01:03:54.188
Five minutes of like full body, conscious.

01:03:54.188 --> 01:03:57.393
And you're still like, yeah, you shouldn't have done it, you shouldn't have done it.

01:03:57.393 --> 01:04:09.027
10 minutes an hour, 10 hours, 10 days, 10 years, 100 years, a million years, a billion, a zillion years, like, at what point are you like?

01:04:10.188 --> 01:04:17.175
Okay, okay, like we've far surpassed what's fair, what's good, what's beautiful at all.

01:04:17.175 --> 01:04:30.329
There's nothing just about this whatsoever, and that's not even the beginning of eternity, so it's literally infinitely the worst possible monster that you could imagine.

01:04:30.329 --> 01:04:31.172
That is the opposite of love.

01:04:31.172 --> 01:04:34.639
That would do that to even one, even one being just to Hitler.

01:04:34.639 --> 01:04:42.309
If hell was just for Hitler and Satan, that being that made it and wants it is still literally the worst possible imaginable being so.

01:04:42.309 --> 01:04:44.273
Either that it could be true.

01:04:45.577 --> 01:04:47.726
That seems unlikely from my experience of life.

01:04:47.726 --> 01:04:51.097
Because life feels beautiful to me, I experience love.

01:04:51.097 --> 01:04:55.228
I experience when Jesus talks about how the Father is.

01:04:55.228 --> 01:04:59.728
Look at the birds, look at the flowers, look at your children, look at them, play I go.

01:04:59.728 --> 01:05:01.751
That does everything.

01:05:01.751 --> 01:05:10.018
When I get to the heart of it feels, if I really let go to, it feels more like love than the most terrible being that could possibly exist.

01:05:10.684 --> 01:05:19.498
So then you say, okay, well, if that's the case, what are some other possibilities of why this hell story could have made it into civilization?

01:05:19.498 --> 01:05:27.867
And when you think of people trying to, they find the power of the mystical thread, as we've called, and they try to control it.

01:05:27.867 --> 01:05:34.219
They try to put parameters around it and to say who's in, who's out, how you access it.

01:05:34.219 --> 01:05:37.253
Well, that's an amazing stick.

01:05:37.253 --> 01:05:46.179
If you're talking about the carrot and the stick to be like, if you don't fall in line, not only are you out of the community, you're out forever and you're going to be punished forever by God.

01:05:46.179 --> 01:05:51.512
That is a great tactic to control people with is a great tactic to control people with.

01:05:51.512 --> 01:06:01.141
It doesn't make any sense from a loving God, but it makes total sense from a controlling group of people.

01:06:01.141 --> 01:06:02.882
Why that would exist.

01:06:03.222 --> 01:06:04.884
Now, that's not why I think Jesus said it.

01:06:06.045 --> 01:06:07.030
So that's the second part of it.

01:06:07.030 --> 01:06:23.813
I think Jesus was saying it because I think it's the most accurate description of what it feels like to believe that you're separate from God when you see your life in any moment as God is somewhere else and I don't know if I'm good like.

01:06:23.813 --> 01:06:36.998
The feeling of being alienated from God is the essence of suffering and the essence of heaven is that I and the Father are one and that surrender that thy will be done.

01:06:36.998 --> 01:06:38.840
That is salvation.

01:06:38.840 --> 01:06:49.976
It is the surrendering of oneself entirely to God and that is heaven, and you couldn't put more ferocious language around either side of it and be accurate.

01:06:49.976 --> 01:06:59.375
It's like it literally feels like you're being thrown into the garbage dump outside of Jerusalem that's full of worms and fire and being burned alive.

01:06:59.375 --> 01:07:01.559
To feel separate from God.

01:07:01.559 --> 01:07:06.324
And his invitation is to remember that's the way I read his teaching.

01:07:06.324 --> 01:07:11.056
So hell, the ferociousness of hellfire, I think is very appropriate.

01:07:11.056 --> 01:07:17.697
It just has nothing to do with a separate God burning his children for all time in some place.

01:07:17.697 --> 01:07:19.471
That's absurd to me.

01:07:20.565 --> 01:07:35.516
I want to take a page turn because one I love these conversations personally, but there's the theology of of everything, um, but I do want to ask you a question.

01:07:35.516 --> 01:07:37.702
That's about Michael.

01:07:37.702 --> 01:07:46.786
You know you, you mentioned, when I was deconstructing hell and I was walking this um, who did the constructing, like, like?

01:07:46.786 --> 01:07:47.646
Tell me that.

01:07:47.646 --> 01:07:49.009
Tell me that journey of like.

01:07:49.009 --> 01:07:50.431
Was this a childhood?

01:07:50.431 --> 01:07:50.711
Was this?

01:07:50.711 --> 01:07:51.934
Hey, this is how I was born and raised.

01:07:51.934 --> 01:07:52.554
It came out of it.

01:07:52.554 --> 01:07:55.579
Who did the constructing of all these things that were later deconstructed?

01:07:55.579 --> 01:07:56.601
Tell me that journey.

01:07:56.985 --> 01:07:57.485
Yeah, I was raised.

01:07:57.485 --> 01:08:03.894
My dad was a pastor and I was raised in the church and I went to Christian school and I studied the Bible for years and read the Bible.

01:08:03.894 --> 01:08:07.460
I would do the one-year Bible and read the Bible every year and go on missions trips.

01:08:08.505 --> 01:08:10.152
Chronological or just A to Z.

01:08:11.407 --> 01:08:12.150
The one-year Bible.

01:08:12.150 --> 01:08:17.131
It kind of spreads it out so you have some Old Testament, some New Testament, some old proverb every day.

01:08:19.186 --> 01:08:26.175
Help you stomach those, like you know, lamentations and Leviticus seasons you got to have some other.

01:08:26.175 --> 01:08:29.728
Those are the hard ones, but yeah, it was very thoroughly believed from me.

01:08:29.728 --> 01:08:30.957
Seasons you gotta have some other, those are the hard ones.

01:08:30.957 --> 01:08:50.440
You know, um, but yeah, I just I was, it was very thoroughly believed from me and I was, I was taught in an evangelical context of, um, yeah, if you don't believe in jesus, you will be, you'll go to hell forever, and I had some very effective teaching around that that made me terrified about it.

01:08:50.440 --> 01:09:01.310
And yeah, so it wasn't just one stream, though I read for a while.

01:09:01.310 --> 01:09:06.139
I was like a Christian apologist on early chat room days and stuff.

01:09:06.139 --> 01:09:12.722
I would get on and debate the evolutionists and tell them why the Bible was reliable and all the stuff.

01:09:13.385 --> 01:09:16.689
Yeah, and how did that like that?

01:09:16.689 --> 01:09:32.033
And then you as an artist and a songwriter and a performer and all the things that come with the gift of artistry, like where do those worlds intersect and how was that like growing up, but also on the process of exploration.

01:09:33.194 --> 01:09:44.891
Yeah, I mean I'm grateful that I, like my particular brand of evangelical, I had a charismatic element to it which I really loved and still love.

01:09:44.891 --> 01:09:53.126
There was a time that I didn't love it but still love.

01:09:53.126 --> 01:10:04.697
But there's a time that I didn't love it but, um, because I love the active listening to the spirit now that's present in that I think some, some denominations, entirely place all of god's voice in the past and which makes it just literally a dead religion.

01:10:04.697 --> 01:10:13.069
Um, but, but having sort of this openness to the mystical now of like, what is the spirit saying now and doing now?

01:10:13.069 --> 01:10:19.530
And those were my initial mystical experiences were in worship and in um, and it's still.

01:10:19.530 --> 01:10:21.274
That's why I still love worship now.

01:10:21.274 --> 01:10:27.171
I still write worship songs now, um, it is beautiful.

01:10:27.470 --> 01:10:40.639
You know a lot of people that have deconstructed, if you will, to use that buzzword, kind of see a lot of that now as like ex-evangelicals and ex-Christian or whatever.

01:10:40.639 --> 01:10:47.677
And I don't see that's never resonated with me actually, because I don't to me.

01:10:47.677 --> 01:10:53.212
I actually believed I went the full distance of what I was of like, yeah, I believe this.

01:10:53.212 --> 01:11:06.197
And because I believe this, I hear Jesus saying you find me when you find me in prison and when you find I saw, I heard Jesus saying like you got to love your enemies.

01:11:06.197 --> 01:11:14.828
And then I'm in church and I'm going, we're saying we're raising our battle cry against the gay agenda and I'm like that doesn't sound like we're loving our enemies.

01:11:14.828 --> 01:11:16.511
Where's the rub here?

01:11:16.511 --> 01:11:17.092
What's going on?

01:11:17.755 --> 01:11:22.055
And I kept leaning in like I know I'm going to trust what Jesus said rather than what that guy on the stage said.

01:11:22.055 --> 01:11:24.266
That is the journey.

01:11:24.266 --> 01:11:28.434
Believe it all the way, go all the way within itself.

01:11:28.434 --> 01:11:31.760
It will tear apart the systems, just like Jesus did.

01:11:31.760 --> 01:11:35.192
He was like tear the, tear the traditions down.

01:11:35.192 --> 01:11:36.554
Who cares?

01:11:36.554 --> 01:11:37.796
Tear them down.

01:11:37.796 --> 01:11:38.779
This is it's rubbish.

01:11:38.779 --> 01:11:41.113
This is these traditions that you guys have built up.

01:11:41.113 --> 01:11:43.791
If you're whitewashed tombs, these are not.

01:11:43.791 --> 01:11:46.565
I think he would say the exact same thing about Christianity.

01:11:46.565 --> 01:11:53.474
Now you've built up this whole set of systems and beliefs that have nothing to do with what I said and nothing to do with who I am.

01:11:53.474 --> 01:11:56.077
Let it fall down, let it tear to pieces.

01:11:56.117 --> 01:12:12.488
And that happens if you follow it, if you believe it fully now and and I can play guitar and sing every now and then.

01:12:12.488 --> 01:12:16.262
So I am, I am curious about like the, the nitty-gritty, like what's your songwriting process and all that fun stuff.

01:12:16.262 --> 01:12:24.952
So tell me a little bit about like you know, you're releasing a song a day or I'm sorry, sorry song a week yeah um, song a day would be nuts song a day, song a week.

01:12:25.233 --> 01:12:31.306
And for the record, and you know, I mean you're, you're still, you're still writing like, like, what is that?

01:12:31.306 --> 01:12:32.329
What's that process?

01:12:32.329 --> 01:12:36.137
Um, you know, are you using to, to use a reference from your book?

01:12:36.137 --> 01:12:38.630
Are you using c7 chords in your, in your music?

01:12:39.893 --> 01:12:42.077
I got some c7 chords, I'm sure, right on.

01:12:42.077 --> 01:12:43.445
Uh, yeah, I'm, I love.

01:12:43.445 --> 01:12:56.740
I mean, thankfully I have like a bunch of songs already that are pretty close to being able to upload that I won't have to from scratch every week, fill in some of the weeks.

01:12:56.740 --> 01:13:09.350
But I like this idea of it's almost like what you're talking about with Mako Just getting out of the way and seeing what comes through, let it flow.

01:13:09.350 --> 01:13:17.271
And I really am kind of almost like practicing playfulness and open handedness in all my creativity.

01:13:17.271 --> 01:13:21.090
And even I'm taking an improv class right now, like on Saturdays I have this little improv class.

01:13:22.287 --> 01:13:37.180
I never have really had hobbies and so just to have like this, it's just it's way out of my normal comfort zone, but it's just to be like let's just, let's just play and let what comes through comes through and see what, and then just let it go.

01:13:37.180 --> 01:13:54.131
And so that's this little project that I'm doing, even musically, is like let's just open the hands and be like, okay, I'm going to give you what comes through in real time here for a while, through in real time here for a while, and I don't know if it'll be good, but I'm liking the process and the letting go-ness of it.

01:13:54.131 --> 01:13:56.898
I'm just like here's a vessel spirit that you can use.

01:13:56.898 --> 01:13:59.087
Let's see what happens.

01:13:59.087 --> 01:14:00.554
And it's playful and it's silly.

01:14:01.145 --> 01:14:04.533
If I were to do that, maybe my wife and my mom would hear it.

01:14:04.533 --> 01:14:08.408
If you do that, lots of people hear it Like what's that?

01:14:09.331 --> 01:14:13.878
like Well, I am putting it on a side project name.

01:14:13.878 --> 01:14:20.317
It's not under Gungor, because I didn't want to flood the whole Gungor algorithm with whatever comes out week to week.

01:14:20.317 --> 01:14:21.177
Who knows what that's going to be.

01:14:21.177 --> 01:14:23.671
So it's under Weiwu.

01:14:23.671 --> 01:14:25.671
Weiwu W-E-I-W-U.

01:14:26.172 --> 01:14:28.551
Okay, that does sound silly.

01:14:28.551 --> 01:14:29.654
That sounds silly.

01:14:29.654 --> 01:14:31.131
You made that to sound silly.

01:14:31.131 --> 01:14:32.685
There's no way you did it Right.

01:14:32.926 --> 01:14:34.302
There's like this, really really deep thing.

01:14:35.628 --> 01:14:38.408
And the project is called Grey Goo, so it's Wey Woo, grey Goo.

01:14:38.509 --> 01:14:40.555
Yeah, see, I knew it, I knew it.

01:14:40.555 --> 01:14:47.233
If he said he's in a season of playfulness, I don't think making fun of the band names is going to be a problem.

01:14:47.233 --> 01:14:49.600
I'm going to be honest no, yeah you're fine with that.

01:14:50.100 --> 01:15:06.211
No, dude, I think that that's so, so cool to, as an artist, just to have enough security in yourself to be able to release a song a week and be like, hey, even if this isn't good, I had a great time making this.

01:15:06.211 --> 01:15:06.953
Yeah, and I might delete all of it.

01:15:06.953 --> 01:15:11.087
I might, at the end, be like, hey, even if this isn't good, I had a great time making this yeah, and I might delete all of it.

01:15:11.148 --> 01:15:12.752
I might read at the end be like okay, that was it.

01:15:12.752 --> 01:15:13.534
I'm taking that away.

01:15:14.868 --> 01:15:17.292
That's why we that's how I feel about the podcast.

01:15:17.292 --> 01:15:21.908
It's like, even if this isn't good, I had a wonderful time talking younger today.

01:15:21.908 --> 01:15:25.752
That was a great time, but, dude, that's awesome man.

01:15:25.752 --> 01:15:29.738
Um, so it's about time to wrap up.

01:15:29.738 --> 01:15:47.652
I like to give um our guests like a space at the end to one, just kind of like tell our listeners where they're at right now, and to tell our listeners like upcoming projects, kind of a little promotion, if you have anything you want to promote, kind of dealio.

01:15:47.953 --> 01:15:53.189
So I want to get a little space for that well, way woo gray goo is available to be listened to.

01:15:53.189 --> 01:16:09.265
Uh, I'm also way, way, way, way yeah gray goo yeah, um, it comes from this metaphor from a sci-fi novel of like everything just becomes.

01:16:09.265 --> 01:16:11.073
These like self-replicating nanobots.

01:16:11.073 --> 01:16:11.546
You just can't.

01:16:11.546 --> 01:16:15.636
Everything just becomes, and it's kind of a reference to like.

01:16:17.509 --> 01:16:19.154
Way woo gray goo, you know.

01:16:23.707 --> 01:16:35.094
And well, yeah, so that check, I'm hoping honestly, like if any songs kind of stick out from that, I might develop them or like spend money and put them on gunger eventually, or you know, I don't know, um.

01:16:35.094 --> 01:16:41.108
So so people actually checking it out and listening to the ones that resonate could actually help me in the long run.

01:16:41.108 --> 01:16:48.072
Or, um, there's, that's the business part of her, like the actual like curious part about about it, like what could that stuff become?

01:16:48.072 --> 01:16:49.054

01:16:49.054 --> 01:17:14.260
And then I'm also I'm starting a project called the mystic hymnal which, uh, is kind of going back to like what are we seeing at church and in groups and, and, like I said, I I still love this worship, this like surrendering oneself, um to god, that that worship can do when it's to me in its highest form.

01:17:14.260 --> 01:17:16.588
And so, like what can I be?

01:17:17.251 --> 01:17:43.047
I want to be a part of a project that's creating and curating and collaborating with that kind of music, because it does seem kind of rare in the world to Most artists aren't writing songs that people are supposed to sing together, like it's meant for an artist to sing, not necessarily a group of people to sing, um, and then it's even more rare to have like that really be focused sort of on that mystical thread of like opening yourself to the divine in the present moment.

01:17:43.047 --> 01:17:45.591
Um, so how could?

01:17:45.591 --> 01:18:05.476
Could I be a part of writing, curating, collecting a lot of these C words here, that music, and so I'm doing some things with that, like a retreat, songwriting retreat, and going to be releasing some music under Gungor under that as well, and starting a Wednesday Zoom meeting for people who are interested in writing that kind of stuff.

01:18:05.476 --> 01:18:08.091
You can just follow me on Instagram and check out my.

01:18:08.091 --> 01:18:12.850
I'll post what I'm doing there and I have a link tree there that you can kind of check out on my projects.

01:18:13.673 --> 01:18:14.014
I love it.

01:18:14.014 --> 01:18:16.652
I'm going to ask one one final one, because I don't.

01:18:16.652 --> 01:18:18.824
Normally I'm the.

01:18:18.824 --> 01:18:26.831
I'm the third host that they call sometimes, so I don't know the normal way to end, so I'm going to inject myself.

01:18:27.064 --> 01:18:27.627
Hey, I like it.

01:18:28.489 --> 01:18:29.273
What are you reading?

01:18:36.953 --> 01:18:37.555
What are you watching?

01:18:37.555 --> 01:18:39.021
What are you listening to other than CCM?

01:18:39.021 --> 01:18:43.268
I'm reading a lot about internal family systems right now, which I'm really intrigued about.

01:18:43.268 --> 01:18:51.800
It's like a kind of a therapeutic way of bringing harmony into the system and your body and mind, and I'm intrigued by it.

01:18:51.800 --> 01:18:53.847
I think it's really beautiful.

01:18:53.847 --> 01:18:56.952
Um, I'm listening to.

01:18:56.952 --> 01:19:02.119
Um, I love jacob collier a lot.

01:19:02.119 --> 01:19:06.572
I listen to a lot of his stuff these days he's released a new album.

01:19:07.033 --> 01:19:07.734
He's crazy.

01:19:07.734 --> 01:19:10.907
The latest one with him and tory kelly is like how are you a?

01:19:10.966 --> 01:19:15.197
human I, I don't know that I believe that he is.

01:19:15.197 --> 01:19:27.072
He's, yeah, he's kind of like I mean, if our, if our world has a living mozart of sorts, to me that's he's about as close as we have.

01:19:27.072 --> 01:19:31.585
Um, then wait, what was the other one watching?

01:19:31.585 --> 01:19:35.614
I haven't been watching much sometimes.

01:19:35.614 --> 01:19:39.604
I uh, let's see what have I watched lately.

01:19:39.604 --> 01:19:54.819
I still occasionally like if I, if I just want to like unwind at the end of a day and shut like have my brain kind of not like just have a few laughs, I still watch the office sometimes oh, yeah, yeah it's just a classic, like kind of a comfort food show to watch.

01:19:55.300 --> 01:20:13.230
So I'm more in like comfort food watching than like I'm not in any great series right now or anything nbc occasionally, office is evergreen because they've created nbc has created office compilation videos now and I've I'm definitely in that algorithm vortex it's just always funny.

01:20:13.270 --> 01:20:14.412
It's like, how do I laugh still?

01:20:14.533 --> 01:20:22.204
every time it's great well, in the same way that you said hey, you know if, if myself, 20 years ago knew me now, they'd probably be terrified.

01:20:22.204 --> 01:20:29.266
If myself, uh, 10 years ago knew that I'd be talking to michael gungor on a podcast, I'd be like, hey, get out, there's no way that's happening.

01:20:29.266 --> 01:20:31.632
So this has been an absolute pleasure.

01:20:31.813 --> 01:20:33.055
Dude, we had so much fun.

01:20:33.055 --> 01:20:33.978
Yeah, this is great.

01:20:33.978 --> 01:20:36.009
Appreciate your-.

01:20:36.009 --> 01:20:37.079
Yeah, it was fun talking to you guys.

01:20:37.079 --> 01:20:38.609
Thanks so much, man.

01:20:38.609 --> 01:20:41.595
Thanks for listening to the Across the Counter podcast.

01:20:41.595 --> 01:20:46.476
If you enjoyed the show, please rate us five stars wherever you got this podcast.

01:20:55.310 --> 01:20:56.496
Thanks, hit us five stars wherever you got this podcast.

01:20:56.496 --> 01:21:20.500
Thanks, y'all, and fill me with thy sound, thy light, thy love, and with thy light that these Give thy life, that these thy gifts may shine through.