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Aug. 7, 2024

Imagine Heaven | John Burke | Episode 59

Imagine Heaven | John Burke | Episode 59

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Join us as we sit Across the Counter from John Burke, the New York Times bestselling author of "Imagine Heaven.”

In this ATC Episode:

• John embarked on a 35-year exploration into over a thousand near-death experiences (NDEs). During our conversation, he reveals the compelling commonalities he found between these NDEs and biblical teachings, discussing the fears he faced about potential backlash and how he overcame them to publish his transformative book.

• Explore the fascinating intersection of near-death experiences and scientific skepticism with us. We delve into the debate around the adequacy of scientific theories that attempt to explain away NDEs. Highlighting key cases like Pam Reynolds', where verifiable observations were made despite no recorded brain activity, we discuss the implications of such experiences on our understanding of the afterlife and the enduring nature of the soul. These discussions are not just academic; they offer significant insights into the profound spiritual dimensions that these experiences suggest.

• What if our three-dimensional experience is just a shadow of a greater reality? In this episode, we dive into the profound implications of near-death experiences on our perceptions of life, death, and spirituality. We explore themes of unconditional love, life reviews, and the absence of judgment, sharing diverse testimonials from people of various religious backgrounds. 

• Hear about encounters that transcend cultural and religious barriers, like a woman from Tehran who met a being of light she identified as Jesus. Through these compelling stories, we reflect on the inclusive nature of God's love and the transformative power of these experiences, offering a richer understanding of faith and spirituality.

Connect with John:

Instagram: @johnburkeofficial

Buy His New Book:

Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation, and the Love You’ve Always Wanted

Support the Show.


00:00 - Unveiling Commonalities

11:09 - Examining Near-Death Experiences Research

24:38 - Exploring Spiritual Dimensions and Near-Death Experiences

33:23 - Revealing Consistent Near-Death Experiences

45:00 - Mysterious Encounters With the Divine

49:02 - Near-Life and Near-Death Experiences

01:02:37 - Choosing to Accept or Reject God


00:00:00.020 --> 00:00:07.948
Pull up a chair across the counter your one-stop shop for a variety of perspectives around Jesus and Christianity.

00:00:07.948 --> 00:00:15.185
I'm Grant Lockridge and I'm here with my co-host, jared Tafta, and today we are interviewing John Burke.

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John is the New York Times bestseller of the book Imagine Heaven.

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And John, just tell me a little bit about why you decided to start writing books.

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Well, man, it's a weird long story.

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I didn't set out to do any of this.

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Quite honestly, I actually was trained as I studied engineering.

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I worked as an engineer, actually was trained as I studied engineering.

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I worked as an engineer.

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Um, I got, I got kind of sidetracked on all this decades ago, when my dad was dying of cancer and I was an agnostic at the time, I thought Jesus was probably just a legend.

00:00:59.265 --> 00:01:04.293
Um, god, who, who knows and who can know?

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There's, there's no evidence, and so you know, I just kind of left it at that.

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And that's where I was when, when my, when my dad uh, gets cancer and someone gave him the very first research on that, coined the term near death experience, and I see this book on his, uh, his nightstand and I pick it up and I start thumbing through it and I couldn't put it down, because here are people who had clinically died, meaning in some cases their heart had stopped beating, they had no brain waves, and yet their modern medicine brings them back, they're resuscitated or miraculously they come back and they're talking about being more alive than they've ever felt, in a place more real than this, more beautiful than this, though not unlike it, and in the presence of a God of light and love who they never wanted to leave this unconditional love.

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And I'm reading it and I'm like, oh my gosh.

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I read the whole thing and I thought this might be evidence that this whole God-Jesus afterlife stuff is real.

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And so it didn't lead me to faith, it just opened my mind because I had become kind of, you know, cynical and because so many of them had talked about seeing this God of light and love, jesus, I started reading the Bible, started studying it and, um, and over the next few years I came to faith in Christ, not because of near-death experiences, but more because of the evidence I started to see and understand, even in history.

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But it all kind of came together and over the last 35 years I've had this bizarro obsession.

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I mean, honestly, it's always been weird to me.

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You know, just kind of like.

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Kind of like people think, oh, that's kind of weird, and I've always thought that, yeah, it's kind of weird, but at the same time and and looking back now I I think I think this is part of God's whole plan and purpose for me uh, that I kept running into these and I started collecting them because I started to see again.

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I'm an engineer, so I see patterns and I'm like, well, how does that fit with this?

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And I've come to faith in Christ.

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So I'm reading the Bible and I'm studying it and I'm trying to understand how do these things fit together?

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So over the last 35 years, I've studied well over a thousand probably closer to 1500 near death experiences.

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I've interviewed people on every continent on planet earth and finally, in 2015, I wrote a book called Imagine Heaven.

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Well, and in that process, I also went from a career in engineering to ministry and my wife and I actually started a church for skeptics like I was.

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So, as I told you guys, our motto was no perfect people allowed.

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Just come as you are, and we would say doubters are welcome, because I found that just not many churches created space for people to struggle and to ask questions and to doubt and to come with.

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You know all the crap that we, you know, get glommed onto ourselves over the course of a life, and you know God's not afraid of any of that.

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You know, I mean if you read.

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You know God's not afraid of any of that.

00:04:48.497 --> 00:04:51.442
Um, you know, I mean if you read the scriptures.

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That's where Jesus lived.

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He lived among people who had screwed up their lives pretty bad, and he wasn't afraid of it at all and they became his followers.

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Yeah and uh, and it was actually the religious who had a pro a problem with, with all of it and, and so we started a church like that.

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Finally, in 2015, I wrote a book.

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I'd written three other books, but they were really all more about creating the space where people can explore faith and find faith and then how do people really grow spiritually those kinds of books and I had the sense that I was supposed to write about this obsession I had had for years and years and I'd been speaking on it.

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I mean, I gave my first talk on this at the University of California, santa Barbara, in 1989.

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I spoke on the commonalities of near-death experiences and how it related to the Bible, and I just did it for students there at the university.

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So I've been speaking on it, but I'd never written on it.

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And so, imagine Heaven, I wrote showing there are about 40 commonalities of what people say they experience and they overlap.

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It's like it doesn't matter where they're from or what their background.

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They're having the same basic experience and I was showing how those 40 commonalities align with what God's been revealing through the Jewish prophets and through Jesus, you know all along.

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So that was Imagine Heaven.

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And I'll be honest, like when I went to hit send of the final manuscript, I said, well God, this might be the end of my ministry.

00:06:36.201 --> 00:06:37.185
Oh, why?

00:06:37.485 --> 00:06:38.288
Dang man.

00:06:38.288 --> 00:06:46.716
Well, because Christians rejected anything about near-death experiences.

00:06:46.716 --> 00:06:59.536
Really, oh yeah, I mean, the talk in most Christian circles is oh, that's just new agey or it's satanic.

00:06:59.536 --> 00:07:04.684
Don't listen to that, Don't believe that, Just stay away from it.

00:07:04.704 --> 00:07:08.500
Um don't, don't listen to that, don't believe that, just stay away from it.

00:07:08.500 --> 00:07:13.685
Was that rejection specifically evident in the academic Christian community or the more?

00:07:13.685 --> 00:07:20.189
Um, I'll say, you know, the believing community has people that say we're we're people of the word, and then there's the portion of the community that says we're people of the spirit.

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Did you see rejection in both sides or did you see it and there's, there's a third one.

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We're people of action.

00:07:26.764 --> 00:07:28.389
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00:07:28.490 --> 00:07:34.041
Yeah, you know it's funny you say that because that was one of the tensions I always as a pastor.

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I was like because I saw that same thing.

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It's like you kind of group off and you ignore whole sections of what it means to follow Christ and how do you bring them all together?

00:07:43.942 --> 00:07:48.370
Yeah, but they tend to group in groups that all think alike.

00:07:48.370 --> 00:07:50.692
Right, it's hard to live in the tensions.

00:07:51.495 --> 00:07:52.074
Yeah, yeah.

00:07:52.074 --> 00:08:13.994
Then you begin to highlight you set metrics or standards that allow you not to fall into the ditches on the side that you see as problematic and it makes you the well, we're not like them people, but you got that attack, or maybe you got disbelief from all different sectors of the faith.

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Is that what you're?

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saying, and I can see, looking back.

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So when I first started studying this, you got to remember this is the late 80s, early 80s too and when these stories were first coming out.

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You know a lot of people don't realize this, but I mean there are millions of them.

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So, like 2019, the European Academy of Neurology did a study, reported on a study across 35 countries, and found that 5% of the population, across 35 countries, 5% of the population has had a near-death experience.

00:08:51.936 --> 00:08:56.129
Wow, and that's millions of people all over the world.

00:08:56.129 --> 00:08:56.870

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And what I'm trying to show is that the commonality of what they report is right, in line with what the Bible's been revealing all along.

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Now, what they interpret is not always, and that's what the key is.

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That I found is that because early on in this research, the only people who were coming forward, for instance, had had a good near death experience.

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So people had had hellish near death experiences, but nobody wants to raise their hand and alone say, well, I didn't go to heaven and and, and you know they don't want to think about it Well, we kind of laugh about it.

00:09:41.682 --> 00:09:48.894
But when you understand that the experience they had is more real than this, yeah, yeah, okay.

00:09:48.894 --> 00:09:49.924
Well, what does that mean?

00:09:49.924 --> 00:09:53.149
Like how do you have a more real experience?

00:09:53.149 --> 00:09:55.320
But that's what they experienced.

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And so when they go to tell people and even when they go to tell people the good experiences they get mocked.

00:10:01.443 --> 00:10:05.285
They go yeah, well, that was probably the drugs or that was probably the.

00:10:05.285 --> 00:10:11.470
You know, it was just hallucination or you know, and so they kind of shut up about it.

00:10:11.470 --> 00:10:21.215
Even more so if you've had a, if you and the people I've interviewed a lot of them have PTSD from the experience they had.

00:10:21.215 --> 00:10:22.735
It's that real, wow.

00:10:23.437 --> 00:10:35.590
You mentioned the word neurology and we were just talking about neuroscientists and how that's a buzzword nowadays as well in biohacking and just in our culture and world.

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Has there been any in your experience?

00:10:38.057 --> 00:10:44.730
And as a side note, I loved in your book the consistencies or the statistic.

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The statistic consistencies in people's experiences but not their interpretations.

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I really loved that like perspective of I'm looking at the data and then the interpretation you know is not necessarily all that I agree with, so I really appreciated that neuroscience.

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has there been any avenue of trying to um offer like credit or proof in in ndes or is there nothing available there?

00:11:13.370 --> 00:11:18.522
Um, well, neuros, some neuroscientists have tried to offer alternate explanations.

00:11:18.522 --> 00:11:19.663
Okay, all right.

00:11:19.663 --> 00:11:20.884

00:11:20.884 --> 00:11:24.809
And in a new book I just wrote, imagine the God of Heaven.

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In chapter two I write about skeptics, science and NDEs.

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Okay, and I go through.

00:11:32.663 --> 00:11:36.270
There have been about 30 alternate explanations.

00:11:36.270 --> 00:11:41.306
Okay, they come up with a new alternate explanation pretty much every year.

00:11:41.306 --> 00:12:01.187
And, as my friend, dr Jeffrey Long, who studied more of them than I have, even he's a medical doctor and he says you know, if they had one good alternate explanation they wouldn't need 30, but they're just throwing spaghetti on the wall.

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And so what I show in chapter two is the 10 points of evidence that convinced me and has convinced many skeptical medical doctors who have studied this phenomena, that these are really showing evidence.

00:12:17.928 --> 00:12:34.793
I mean, dr Long says he thinks it's scientific proof that there is an afterlife, that our soul lives on after this life, and he became a believer in Jesus as a result of all that as well, but wasn't before studying it.

00:12:35.320 --> 00:12:45.854
And so, anyway, neurologists have talked about the um, like the, the.

00:12:45.854 --> 00:12:55.041
The latest that was reported in I think it was CNN Um headline is you know, near death experiences are shown to be just in the brain.

00:12:55.041 --> 00:13:01.443
Well, if you actually read the whole article, that's not what they're saying and it's not what the researchers are saying.

00:13:01.443 --> 00:13:03.691
And of course they buried that lead at the very bottom.

00:13:03.691 --> 00:13:22.019
But but what they were saying is that they were trying to find a connection between REM sleep patterns and those who have near-death experiences, and they found some kind of association.

00:13:22.019 --> 00:13:30.467
The problem is you don't know which came first, the chicken or the egg, right and and, and there's no way to answer that question.

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So they're throwing this out there.

00:13:31.691 --> 00:13:48.384
But but I give these 10 points of evidence that I believe if you're going to have an alternate theory that sticks, you're going to have to make sense of these 10 points of evidence, and I, you know, I'll just give you a few of them because we probably don't have time to go deeply into all of them.

00:13:48.465 --> 00:13:54.205
But the couple that started to convince me when I was still a skeptical engineer is one.

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When people first clinically die, they say they leave their body but they're still themselves.

00:14:00.625 --> 00:14:15.533
So they still have a body, but they say it's like a spiritual body and they don't just have five senses, more like 50 or 100 senses, they have new senses and so they feel super alive.

00:14:15.533 --> 00:14:24.504
But what's key is that at first they're often still in the room where the resuscitation is taking place.

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So they're usually up above and they're watching, which means when they are resuscitated they can report things that they shouldn't have seen or heard or been able to report because they had no brainwaves.

00:14:39.533 --> 00:14:46.576
So, in other words, if this is just anoxia, that's one idea.

00:14:47.477 --> 00:14:48.557
Fighter pilot syndrome.

00:14:48.557 --> 00:14:57.014
When fighter pilots have this anoxia that happens lack of oxygen to the brain they feel like they're going through a tunnel toward a light.

00:14:57.014 --> 00:14:58.986
See, that's a near-death experience.

00:14:58.986 --> 00:15:03.549
No, not even close, not even close.

00:15:03.549 --> 00:15:28.559

00:15:28.559 --> 00:15:39.110
So imagine the God of heaven I give.

00:15:39.149 --> 00:15:41.500
One of the most verifiable ones, I believe, is Pam Reynolds.

00:15:41.500 --> 00:15:49.706
So she's in this intense surgery where they're removing an aneurysm, a deep brain aneurysm, and it's a last resort.

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Like you're going to die, we might as well do this Hail Mary surgery.

00:15:51.350 --> 00:15:53.061
And so that's what it was.

00:15:53.061 --> 00:16:05.532
They have to lower her body temperature to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, drain her head completely of all blood and make sure there's no neural activity at all.

00:16:05.532 --> 00:16:11.100
So they put a hundred decibel clickers in her ears, they tape her eyes shut so there's no stimuli.

00:16:11.100 --> 00:16:16.513
So she can't, she can't see, she can't hear and she has no brain waves.

00:16:16.513 --> 00:16:23.192
And yet halfway through surgery, an hour into it, she claims she left her body.

00:16:23.299 --> 00:16:25.586
She's up above, she's watching the surgery.

00:16:25.586 --> 00:16:35.383
She sees them take out the saw that they used to cut open her head and she thought it would be like a saw, you know, like an electric saw.

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But she said it wasn't.

00:16:36.285 --> 00:16:37.188
It was like an electric.

00:16:37.188 --> 00:16:49.605
It looked like an electric toothbrush and the surgeon had, like this case, like a, like a case of socket wrenches, and there were all these different drill bits in it and he took one out and put it in.

00:16:49.605 --> 00:16:55.972
And then a doctor down by her legs said I can't, I can't find it, I can't find it.

00:16:55.972 --> 00:17:02.883
And the other, and it was a she um, and she didn't even know there were going to be male and female doctors.

00:17:02.883 --> 00:17:06.290
She didn't know what doctors other than Dr Spetzler that was even going to be in there.

00:17:06.290 --> 00:17:07.212
There were about 10.

00:17:07.212 --> 00:17:13.931
She could describe all of them and what happened is they couldn't find the femoral artery in her leg.

00:17:13.931 --> 00:17:19.500
So she reports all these things, what the saw looks like, what was said, what happened.

00:17:19.500 --> 00:17:32.512
And then she ends up in the presence of this God of light and love and has this conversation and sees her, her grandmother and he, and he says you got to go back, um, you still have a purpose.

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And and as she's coming back into her body, um, they're playing hotel California.

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Now, again, she has a hundred decibel clickers in her ears and they did that to monitor her brainwaves and make sure there are no registered signals on the EEG.

00:17:49.694 --> 00:17:54.371
Okay, so where are these memories being stored if it's just in the brain?

00:17:54.371 --> 00:18:00.893
And they shocked her heart not once, but twice, to get her going again.

00:18:00.893 --> 00:18:04.846
She reports all of this, going again.

00:18:04.846 --> 00:18:06.269
She reports all of this.

00:18:06.269 --> 00:18:09.273
And there was actually a movie done this year on.

00:18:09.273 --> 00:18:27.076
It was based on my book Imagine Heaven, called After Death, and you can hear some of the surgeons that were there with her on duty and they say it freaked me out because she reported things she should not have known and been able to report on.

00:18:27.076 --> 00:18:30.609
So that's just one of that.

00:18:32.382 --> 00:18:34.501
Yeah, what Describe it?

00:18:34.501 --> 00:18:35.424
That's just one.

00:18:35.424 --> 00:18:36.690
You know no big deal.

00:18:36.690 --> 00:18:38.226
There's another one.

00:18:39.119 --> 00:18:43.465
Well, there are, and I give lots of examples, you know, in the books.

00:18:43.465 --> 00:18:50.415
I mean a lady in London who, you know, dies giving childbirth and she leaves her body.

00:18:50.415 --> 00:19:01.767
But she notices on the top side of the ceiling fan this is in London in the 90s when you know, it still had ceiling fans in hospitals she notices a red sticker.

00:19:01.767 --> 00:19:17.109
And as she comes back and she has a full-blown experience as well and she's trying to tell the nurses and doctors about this incredible experience in the presence of this God of love, she never wanted to leave and they're like you know, she's hallucinating.

00:19:17.109 --> 00:19:23.833
And then she said to one of the nurses here's what you said and here's what you did.

00:19:23.833 --> 00:19:30.586
And the nurse realized you were completely gone during that time and so it got her attention.

00:19:30.586 --> 00:19:35.319
And then mary the, the patient, said look, I can prove it to you.

00:19:35.319 --> 00:19:40.942
Go get a ladder, look on the top side of the ceiling fan and you'll see a red sticker and here's what it says on it.

00:19:40.942 --> 00:19:44.930
And the nurse gets the help of an orderly, goes up there.

00:19:44.930 --> 00:19:48.564
Sure enough, red sticker on the top side of the ceiling fan.

00:19:49.686 --> 00:19:51.951
Now there've actually been studies done.

00:19:51.951 --> 00:20:22.728
Dr Jan Holden did a study, like a scientific study, of about a hundred patients who had had cardiac arrest and claimed to have a near-death experience and then a control group of cardiac arrest patients that did not have a near-death experience and then ask about the observations they made, found that 92% of near-death experience observations were completely accurate.

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Another 6% of their observations were completely accurate.

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Another 6% of their observations were mostly accurate.

00:20:26.019 --> 00:20:27.722
Only 2% were inaccurate.

00:20:29.125 --> 00:20:35.448
Versus the control group which I asked, what do you think happened during your resuscitation?

00:20:35.448 --> 00:20:37.192
And it was guesswork.

00:20:37.192 --> 00:20:42.345
It was like what they'd seen on ER and it wasn't even close like 20% accurate.

00:20:42.345 --> 00:20:47.755
So that started to convince me when I was still a skeptical engineer.

00:20:47.755 --> 00:21:01.359
The other one that really blew me away is that when people blind from birth have a near-death experience, they can see and they report seeing the same things as sighted people all over the globe.

00:21:01.359 --> 00:21:14.721
So these 40 commonalities that I write about in Imagine the God of Heaven I mean in Imagine God they report the same things and things that a blind person would not have heard on earth.

00:21:14.721 --> 00:21:20.872
So you start to go okay, how do you explain that?

00:21:21.112 --> 00:21:29.541
That can't just be brain-based that that that can't just be brain based.

00:21:29.541 --> 00:21:35.381
Right, that is something I appreciated about your book is you looked at like several different angles so you're like, okay, do they have a reason to lie about?

00:21:35.381 --> 00:21:36.625
This was one of them.

00:21:36.625 --> 00:21:50.503
That I thought was key, because the first thing you think about is, okay, they just wanted to be famous and they wanted to mess around and, you know, get some cloud or Some of them.

00:21:50.503 --> 00:21:55.900
It was worse for them to tell their NDE experience, which was interesting.

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I like to point out that the people I've interviewed they're spine surgeons, married to another surgeon.

00:22:05.354 --> 00:22:06.174
They don't need money.

00:22:06.174 --> 00:22:09.268
She lives in Wyoming, the most beautiful place on earth.

00:22:09.268 --> 00:22:10.151
She doesn't need money.

00:22:10.151 --> 00:22:29.363
Commercial airline pilots, lawyers, bank presidents, ceos, like you know the CEO when, when he came forward, he was like I know I'm going to, I'm going to lose all my clients and all my business, I'm going to have to close my business.

00:22:29.363 --> 00:22:33.792
But I, but I can't not tell this is the most real thing that ever happened.

00:22:33.792 --> 00:22:37.710
So they only get discredited.

00:22:37.710 --> 00:22:39.385
It only costs them.

00:22:39.385 --> 00:22:44.288
They're not doing it for money or fame or fortune.

00:22:45.330 --> 00:23:18.704
Yeah, exactly, and I wanted to give you a chance to say that because that was one of the things that kind of shocked me a little bit in the book, other than just the overwhelming proof that NDEs have commonalities just all over the place, which to me, it's interesting that the Christian culture would be upset by a book like this in any way, shape or form because it didn't seem like you were trying to impress your views on other people.

00:23:18.704 --> 00:23:24.784
It didn't seem like, hey, this is reality and you have to think like this and you have to believe it like this.

00:23:24.784 --> 00:23:29.560
You just gave the evidence and mountains of evidence.

00:23:29.560 --> 00:23:31.924
By the way, you did a ridiculous amount of research.

00:23:31.924 --> 00:23:42.747
You've just went through so many different NDEs and you just gave them the research and said, hey, this is what the Bible says, this is the research.

00:23:42.826 --> 00:23:55.347
You didn't try to tie a bunch of dots and make your own systematic theology about what this means after death and what heaven looks like, and you were just like what, if you were just like?

00:23:55.347 --> 00:23:56.270
This is really cool.

00:23:56.270 --> 00:24:01.112
I don't have an explanation other than this is literally what people are seeing.

00:24:01.112 --> 00:24:02.705
They have no reason to lie.

00:24:02.705 --> 00:24:06.730
And can you just dream with me for a minute?

00:24:06.730 --> 00:24:08.968
Which was I loved.

00:24:08.968 --> 00:24:13.925
You weren't impressing like this is what heaven looks like, this is how it operates.

00:24:13.925 --> 00:24:20.290
You were like look at the similarities of this in the Bible, and isn't that really cool?

00:24:20.290 --> 00:24:21.919
You know what?

00:24:21.939 --> 00:24:25.068
I mean, well, and look, there's a lot of mystery to it.

00:24:25.068 --> 00:24:34.214
Yeah, I mean, I use analogy because I think analogy is the only way we can really try to understand.

00:24:34.214 --> 00:24:38.461
Analogy is the only way we can really try to understand.

00:24:38.461 --> 00:24:51.163
And the analogy I've used, even with near-death experiencers I've interviewed, is, you know, I've said, after talking to so many of you, I think about it like, okay, we're living a three-dimensional experience and death means separation.

00:24:51.163 --> 00:24:54.932
It's when your spirit leaves your body right, or your soul leaves your body.

00:24:55.780 --> 00:25:07.510
But imagine if we were living this experience on a flat black and white painting on the wall in your home, right, and so you have up and down and you have side to side.

00:25:07.510 --> 00:25:10.910
You have two dimensions, but you don't even have in or out.

00:25:10.910 --> 00:25:13.488
That's not even conceivable to you.

00:25:13.488 --> 00:25:19.204
In or out there, that's not even conceivable to you.

00:25:19.204 --> 00:25:29.992
And then when you die, your flat soul, it peels off that two-dimensional world and now is brought out into this three-dimensional reality that was always there and you can even see your flat world because it's contained within it.

00:25:29.992 --> 00:25:35.442
So you can make observations in your flat world, but they don't know where you are, right.

00:25:35.442 --> 00:25:48.602
No, and then imagine getting pressed back into the flat world and you have to describe three dimensions and color, but in black and white, two-dimensional terms yep using the language you have said to me.

00:25:48.662 --> 00:26:02.528
That's exactly what it's like, like that, that they are moving out beyond our finite three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, because that's what they commonly say as well.

00:26:02.528 --> 00:26:15.971
On the other side, time works differently, and you know, peter, jesus' disciple said in 2 Peter 3, 8, to the Lord, a year, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day, right?

00:26:15.971 --> 00:26:19.269
Well, near-death experiencers have said almost the same thing to me.

00:26:19.269 --> 00:26:21.544
They've said things like you know.

00:26:21.544 --> 00:26:27.213
I know I was only dead for five minutes, but I relived my whole life.

00:26:27.213 --> 00:26:28.444
So how did that work?

00:26:28.444 --> 00:26:31.105
But it seemed like it was seconds.

00:26:31.105 --> 00:26:33.230
But it also seemed like it was years.

00:26:34.220 --> 00:26:35.832
Some said there was no time, others said, no, there was seconds, but it also seemed like it was years.

00:26:35.832 --> 00:26:39.146
Some said there was no time, others said, no, there was time, but there was all the time.

00:26:39.146 --> 00:26:56.152
Nothing was rushed, and so they're experiencing something that truly is beyond this world, and I think that's also why, when they come back, they're trying to describe things that are their mystery.

00:26:56.152 --> 00:27:00.781
Right, you know, deuteronomy 29,.

00:27:00.781 --> 00:27:03.887
29 says you know the Lord.

00:27:03.887 --> 00:27:17.704
The secrets, the secret things, or the mysterion, the mysteries, belong to the Lord, our God, the things revealed belong to us so that we can fully follow his will.

00:27:17.704 --> 00:27:48.342
So there are mysteries and they're trying to describe some of these mysteries and so sometimes what they describe, they're also interpreting and they're going to interpret in their own worldview and and so sometimes that that, sometimes that goes against what scripture seems to be revealing or teaching, and so that is why a lot of Christians early on in this one is no one came forward reporting hellish experiences early on.

00:27:49.364 --> 00:28:08.387
Second, a lot of people came forward early on saying that God is this incredible light and love and I had a life review in his presence and I saw all my good and all my bad, but he wasn't judging me.

00:28:08.387 --> 00:28:09.744
God just loved me.

00:28:09.744 --> 00:28:13.191
He was just supporting me and just loved me unconditionally.

00:28:13.191 --> 00:28:15.167
But I was judging myself.

00:28:15.167 --> 00:28:38.988
And so early on, a lot of people were saying, well, see, this isn't the Christian God or the biblical God, because the biblical God's this judging, harsh, punishing God who just wants to get you, and you know it's just a misunderstanding of who God's revealed himself to be, and you know it's just a misunderstanding of who God's revealed himself to be, jesus, interestingly said by your own words.

00:28:38.988 --> 00:28:53.855
Will you be acquitted by your own words will you be condemned, which, fascinatingly, is exactly what near-death experiencers say watching their life review.

00:28:53.875 --> 00:28:59.846
God is love, and so God cannot not love every single person because he created them to be his child.

00:28:59.846 --> 00:29:01.431
He does love you, even if you don't love him.

00:29:01.431 --> 00:29:07.462
Still, you can't stop him from loving you, and so, of course, that's what they experience.

00:29:07.462 --> 00:29:23.356
But also it says that God sent his son into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be rescued or saved, set right with God.

00:29:23.356 --> 00:29:31.049
So you know all the things that they're reporting and I've interviewed in the new book Imagine the God of Heaven.

00:29:31.049 --> 00:29:53.748
I interviewed 70 people from all around the continent, every religious background Hindus, buddhists, agnostics, atheists, christians, and on every continent, and they are experiencing the same God who revealed himself to Moses in this brilliant light that didn't burn the bush up.

00:29:53.748 --> 00:29:54.873
Remember that.

00:29:55.394 --> 00:29:55.615

00:29:56.280 --> 00:29:59.968
I mean, I interviewed a woman from Tehran.

00:29:59.968 --> 00:30:32.660
She was related to the Prophet Muhammad and she has a near-death experience and in her near-death experience she was expecting to be judged by the Prophet Ali and, as Shiite Muslims believe, happens and instead this giant man of light comes to her and says one thing.

00:30:32.660 --> 00:30:34.744
He says I am he who is.

00:30:34.744 --> 00:30:43.048
And boom, she's back in her body with a peace and a joy she's never felt before and she's completely confused.

00:30:43.048 --> 00:31:05.253
And the next year she's seeking this God and the next year she realizes who this is and that she experienced the risen Jesus and that he is God, and that the same God of light said to Moses I am basically the same thing, I am he who is.

00:31:05.253 --> 00:31:07.567
That's how it was translated into English.

00:31:07.567 --> 00:31:29.470
She said it in Farsi, but I mean yeah, so you're talking about people all over the globe, and it's evidence to me again that God is the God of all nations and he loves everybody equally and what he did through Jesus, he did for all people.

00:31:29.470 --> 00:31:32.705
Yeah, it's wild.

00:31:33.559 --> 00:31:37.630
That's so cool dude, you were making me think.

00:31:37.630 --> 00:31:41.025
I mean, you have a literal library shelved behind you.

00:31:41.025 --> 00:31:47.365
So I feel like there's not a chance that you haven't read this, but have you read the Weight of Glory by CS Lewis?

00:31:47.987 --> 00:31:51.221
Yeah, all right, cs Lewis is like my favorite author.

00:31:51.301 --> 00:31:55.592
Yeah, you were talking, I was like he's going to say something about higher up and further in.

00:31:58.240 --> 00:31:59.263
But the weight of glory.

00:31:59.324 --> 00:32:15.403
Lewis tells the story of a woman that gave birth to a son while confined in a prison, in a dungeon, and since the, with no windows, and since the boy had never seen the outside world, the mother basically does pencil drawings of trees, of landscape, of everything in the outside world.

00:32:16.307 --> 00:32:21.766
And the day comes of release, when the boy and the mother are going to be released from prison and the boy says I don't want to go.

00:32:21.766 --> 00:32:33.048
And in his story, basically, the boy says this world and this prison is more real than the pencil drawings you've said exist outside of this prison.

00:32:33.048 --> 00:32:52.051
And the mother comes to understand oh, this boy, in his, in his imagination, in his, in his broad, deep, wide imagination, believes that we're about to go into a world of a two dimensional plane, that we're going to move into a pencil drawing plane.

00:32:52.051 --> 00:32:56.852
And he said I don't, I mean this is prison, but it's at least three-dimensional.

00:32:56.852 --> 00:33:08.711
And so when you're talking, you're making me think of her, like telling her something like oh no, like it's not that, but her ability to transliterate, or translate what it was.

00:33:08.711 --> 00:33:22.896
There was no way for her to do anything other than him to go and experience that with her, and that is exactly why I wrote these books, and what, and, and, and.

00:33:23.017 --> 00:33:28.909
So what I, what I'm trying to do, you know and, and when you, when you read it.

00:33:28.909 --> 00:33:33.083
And again, I'm nothing special, I'm just like an editor, right.

00:33:33.083 --> 00:33:36.311
So what I was trying to do is I could.

00:33:36.311 --> 00:33:41.780
I've studied so many of them and I start hearing the same things, and I know they don't know each other.

00:33:41.780 --> 00:33:43.565
I know they haven't talked to each other.

00:33:43.565 --> 00:33:57.528
They're on different continents, they don't even believe, they don't have cultures that brought them up believing the same thing, but they experience the same God, the same things about this God, you know, it's like it's just wild.

00:33:57.528 --> 00:34:03.806
And so what I was trying to do is show the overlapping testimony so you hear it through their words.

00:34:03.806 --> 00:34:13.463
What the scriptures are saying and and so, and the analogy I use is similar to what you were just talking about with CS Lewis, is similar to what you were just talking about with CS Lewis.

00:34:13.463 --> 00:34:31.210
So the scriptures like draw a pencil drawing of all this, but what their words do is not add anything to what it is, but it adds color, right, so that you begin to see a fuller picture of, oh my gosh, like God is love.

00:34:31.210 --> 00:34:35.786
Okay, what Christian doesn't know that and say I believe that, right.

00:34:35.786 --> 00:34:38.590
And even you doesn't know that and say I believe that, right.

00:34:38.590 --> 00:34:41.114
And even those who may not believe in Jesus at all, but they're probably.

00:34:41.114 --> 00:34:42.215
Oh yeah, god is love.

00:34:42.215 --> 00:34:47.692
We kind of universally would agree if there is a God, we sure hope that's God.

00:34:48.780 --> 00:35:10.969
But when you hear through the words of these people what it was like to be in God's presence, when they describe this love and and they, they grapple for words, and I put that in there because then you start to experience, it's like, oh my gosh, like this one, this one guy.

00:35:10.969 --> 00:35:11.431
In fact I was.

00:35:11.431 --> 00:35:12.744
I was just on the phone with him.

00:35:12.744 --> 00:35:17.847
Again, he's a neurologist, okay, so again, why is he making that?

00:35:17.847 --> 00:35:20.063
He's a neurologist and a psychiatrist?

00:35:21.086 --> 00:35:40.704
But he had a patient turn on him and stab him with a knife 13 times, trying to kill him, and right before the 14th he said it was like time stopped and there before him is an explosion of light, he said.

00:35:40.704 --> 00:35:43.268
He said there was no doubt who this was.

00:35:43.268 --> 00:35:58.422
He knew this is God and they're, and and they often say that they're like there's no question, you know who this is and but he said, imagine being five feet away from a nuclear explosion.

00:35:58.422 --> 00:36:00.123
That's what it was like.

00:36:00.123 --> 00:36:02.824
And it just kept roiling.

00:36:02.824 --> 00:36:05.405
You know, like you would imagine he said.

00:36:05.405 --> 00:36:09.266
But what was roiling was not just the light, but the love.

00:36:09.867 --> 00:36:34.978
Mm-hmm it's a tsunami of love.

00:36:34.978 --> 00:36:39.929
And he said, and it washes away every concern about anything else.

00:36:39.929 --> 00:36:44.407
He said I didn't care I was being stabbed to death, it didn't matter to me at all.

00:36:44.407 --> 00:36:52.088
All that mattered is this being and um, and they say things like that.

00:36:52.088 --> 00:36:52.389
You know.

00:36:52.389 --> 00:36:57.045
Another guy, dean Braxton, said you know as he as he looks into Jesus eyes.

00:36:57.045 --> 00:37:01.297
He said guy Dean Braxton said you know as he, as he looks into Jesus eyes.

00:37:01.318 --> 00:37:02.139
He said you just get lost in these eyes.

00:37:02.139 --> 00:37:16.414
They are otherworldly, mesmerizing, but they see right into the deepest parts of you and know everything about you and love you beyond what you've ever even imagined you could be loved.

00:37:16.414 --> 00:37:18.503
And that love, he said said, is growing.

00:37:18.503 --> 00:37:20.338
It's like every second.

00:37:20.338 --> 00:37:22.264
It was growing greater for me.

00:37:22.264 --> 00:37:30.844
And he said, and I felt like I was the only one he loved, like I was his only unique son.

00:37:30.844 --> 00:37:41.019
And he said it kind of shocked me and so I thought about my wife and then I realized, oh, he thinks about her like she's the only unique one.

00:37:42.362 --> 00:37:48.764
And and now, you know, lots of times I'll hear, I'll, I'll hear something at first and I'll be like huh, that's interesting.

00:37:48.764 --> 00:37:52.157
But I kind of put it on the shelf Like yeah, maybe.

00:37:52.157 --> 00:37:58.467
But then I hear a CEO say the same thing.

00:37:58.467 --> 00:38:10.280
I hear a commercial airline pilot say and you know, john, what was so wild is when he looked at me I felt like I was the only one he loved, like I was the only one.

00:38:10.280 --> 00:38:13.407
And then he said and that's how he feels about you.

00:38:13.407 --> 00:38:20.097
And so you know, yeah, it's, it's just wild when you hear it over and over and over again.

00:38:21.420 --> 00:38:26.068
And what it does again is it puts color onto the words of scripture.

00:38:26.068 --> 00:38:44.708
You know it, it just colors in the fullness of not just words that go into your brain but hopefully that connect with your heart, you know, and make you realize, oh, okay, you know, because I wasn't just interested in writing these books as evidence.

00:38:44.708 --> 00:38:49.068
I mean, yes, I was a skeptic and yes, I think it can convince skeptics.

00:38:49.068 --> 00:39:00.650
But more importantly, I think it can help you trust God fully because you start to realize, whoa, okay, there is evidence.

00:39:00.650 --> 00:39:03.335
But also, why would I not?

00:39:03.335 --> 00:39:05.460
Why would I not trust God?

00:39:05.460 --> 00:39:16.923
Why would I not want to follow God's will and ways when he is this joyous, enjoyable, fun being?

00:39:16.923 --> 00:39:20.650
I mean those words a lot of people are like huh, whoa, what.

00:39:21.130 --> 00:39:21.251

00:39:22.155 --> 00:39:26.706
But that's true, and that's not only what near-death experiencers report.

00:39:26.706 --> 00:39:32.367
By the way, it's the last thing Jesus said his night before being crucified.

00:39:32.367 --> 00:39:37.722
He said I've told you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy would overflow.

00:39:37.722 --> 00:39:42.668
But sometimes we put God in a little box and we don't let him out.

00:39:42.668 --> 00:39:58.567
And I'm trying to break open people's walls of that box and see that no, god is way more mysterious than the box you keep him in, which is often I mean, you guys what causes the wars.

00:39:58.567 --> 00:40:03.880
Right, it causes all the you're wrong and I'm right and all that.

00:40:03.880 --> 00:40:11.023
Well, god doesn't fit in many of our boxes, but people put them in the box on the other side.

00:40:11.023 --> 00:40:16.701
It's way more personable, way more relatable than you've ever imagined.

00:40:17.862 --> 00:40:20.947
Tell John about our first NDE experience, both of us.

00:40:20.947 --> 00:40:24.304
That happened today, which I feel like literally.

00:40:24.474 --> 00:40:27.855
Well, one, it's not our NDE, it was somebody else.

00:40:27.894 --> 00:40:29.041
So yes, we did not.

00:40:29.041 --> 00:40:31.503
We did not have an NDE, we didn't die today.

00:40:31.954 --> 00:40:36.739
So, john, this was nuts but also doesn't really, I'll just tell you.

00:40:36.739 --> 00:40:39.621
So we're at Barnes Noble, right, john, this was nuts but also doesn't really, I'll just tell you.

00:40:39.621 --> 00:40:40.722
So we're at Barnes Noble, right?

00:40:40.722 --> 00:40:45.565
We're dreaming up this little nonprofit company, something that helps nonprofits, whatever.

00:40:45.565 --> 00:40:54.112
And we are just sitting next to these two women at Barnes Noble, whatever.

00:41:00.715 --> 00:41:01.836
And we were talking about the podcast.

00:41:01.836 --> 00:41:03.119
We were like, okay, what are we doing?

00:41:03.119 --> 00:41:06.005
You know kind of vision for the podcast, that sort of thing.

00:41:06.005 --> 00:41:10.742
And they, uh, one lady just turned around and says, hey, you know what's the podcast about.

00:41:10.742 --> 00:41:14.699
And we said, hey, it's a christian podcast, you know, we gave her the whole vision, whatever.

00:41:14.699 --> 00:41:18.255
And then we were talking about who we've interviewed, whatever.

00:41:18.255 --> 00:41:23.407
And then I basically said, hey, I'm interviewing john burke today, who?

00:41:23.407 --> 00:41:24.898
And they're like who's that?

00:41:24.898 --> 00:41:29.072
And I was like he's the guy that knows about near-death experiences.

00:41:29.072 --> 00:41:31.440
It's a really cool book, imagine heaven, you should check it out.

00:41:31.440 --> 00:41:36.396
And she says, hey, my daughter had a near-death experience.

00:41:36.396 --> 00:41:43.364
And we were like, okay, well, that's crazy, because this is like the first time I've heard somebody say something like that.

00:41:44.465 --> 00:41:51.659
And it was like I was introduced to NDEs by your book, so the concept of them, so this is pretty fresh.

00:41:52.554 --> 00:41:55.422
And she was like, oh yeah, no, my daughter was dead.

00:41:55.422 --> 00:41:56.385
And now?

00:41:57.358 --> 00:41:58.782
She said the first time she died.

00:41:58.782 --> 00:42:00.320
And we said continue speaking.

00:42:00.360 --> 00:42:01.204
Yeah, the first time.

00:42:01.204 --> 00:42:03.159
But she started with.

00:42:03.159 --> 00:42:05.260
It was like what are you talking about?

00:42:05.315 --> 00:42:07.864
Whatever we were doing is not happening anymore.

00:42:09.516 --> 00:42:10.802
We let her go for a little bit.

00:42:10.802 --> 00:42:26.222
But the two traits that I took away with, other than it's just crazy that she brought up in the ease you know we'd said it, and then she was like, yeah, my daughter had an NDE, so that's just kind of a weird thing.

00:42:26.222 --> 00:42:36.601
But, um, what was wild is and correct me if I'm wrong but she said that her daughter had the telepathy thing, so they weren't using words.

00:42:36.601 --> 00:42:38.295
She said that her daughter had the telepathy thing, so they weren't using words.

00:42:38.295 --> 00:42:41.320
She said that her daughter had.

00:42:41.320 --> 00:42:45.447
She knew that Jesus was there but she couldn't see him.

00:42:45.447 --> 00:42:48.322
Correct, I'm just making sure that I'm getting the facts right.

00:42:48.322 --> 00:42:57.250
And I think in your book you said something about that telepathy kind of aspect of like the minds we're connecting.

00:42:57.250 --> 00:43:00.094
Is that right or am I just making that up.

00:43:00.275 --> 00:43:18.045
Yeah, that people can, on the other side, speak with like using a voice, but the more seemingly preferred way of communicating is just thought to thought, heart to heart, and that's usually the way God communicates to them.

00:43:18.045 --> 00:43:19.335
So it's complete.

00:43:19.335 --> 00:43:23.867
A lot of them use the word telepathy, but a lot of them say, no, it's way more than that.

00:43:23.867 --> 00:43:34.619
I mean, imagine if all my thoughts, all my feelings and all the associated thoughts, boom, you just understood fully.

00:43:34.619 --> 00:43:37.807
There's no misunderstanding.

00:43:38.414 --> 00:43:41.601
Yeah, when you said some people say telepathy, I was like no, it's knowing.

00:43:41.601 --> 00:43:47.001
Like that's the word in my mind, but I don't even know what the language would be, because there's not a language right.

00:43:47.001 --> 00:43:48.262
Like that's kind of yeah.

00:43:48.414 --> 00:43:50.302
Well, there was one more thing too that I forgot.

00:43:50.302 --> 00:43:57.545
So she said that her daughter said that she saw the unborn child.

00:43:57.545 --> 00:44:02.518
So said that she saw the unborn child.

00:44:02.518 --> 00:44:05.606
So another sister that she had, that her mom had a miscarriage or whatever, and that comes up in your book.

00:44:05.606 --> 00:44:09.396
I believe, too, there's some sort of something going on there.

00:44:09.615 --> 00:44:26.684
So, yeah, well, that was another line of evidence that I saw of how many kids come back from a near-death experience reporting having met their sibling and their parents say similar things.

00:44:26.684 --> 00:44:30.313
Like you don't have a sister.

00:44:30.313 --> 00:44:32.460
They're like no, I met my sister.

00:44:32.460 --> 00:44:34.909
And he's like do you mean your cousin?

00:44:34.909 --> 00:44:37.456
Because you have a brother, you don't have a sister.

00:44:37.456 --> 00:44:42.086
And he said, no, she told me that she she died in your tummy.

00:44:42.086 --> 00:44:52.592
And then the then the parents are like, oh my gosh, we never told our child we had a miscarriage and we didn't even know it was a she.

00:44:52.612 --> 00:44:53.175
That's crazy.

00:44:53.695 --> 00:44:56.965
And stuff like that, like consistent things like that.

00:44:56.965 --> 00:45:00.175
That's crazy and stuff like that like consistent things like that.

00:45:00.175 --> 00:45:01.679
Or this one woman reported during her near-death experience.

00:45:01.679 --> 00:45:04.344
She sees this man who is there smiling.

00:45:04.344 --> 00:45:08.646
Never talked to her, he was just smiling at her with this very loving smile.

00:45:08.646 --> 00:45:10.501
She never communicated with him.

00:45:10.501 --> 00:45:22.670
She comes back and 10 years later her mom is on her deathbed and her mom confesses to her that she, her father, was not her father.

00:45:22.670 --> 00:45:35.442
She was born out of an extramarital affair and her mom shows her the picture of her father and it was the man who was smiling at her in her near death experience and he had, he had passed away.

00:45:36.936 --> 00:45:45.606
So it's like like, yeah, stuff like that, you know, if you, just if you know and this is why it took me 35 years to write it.

00:45:45.606 --> 00:45:50.019
At first I was just kind of like, yeah, right, you know.

00:45:50.019 --> 00:45:54.425
Like okay, good, you know little stories that travel on the internet.

00:45:54.425 --> 00:46:16.949
But when you hear again and again and again and again and these people that I sit across the table from listening, I'm like, okay, you have no reason to make up a crazy story like this, you know, and it fully reconciles with what these other people say and, by the way, it reconciles with scripture.

00:46:16.949 --> 00:46:26.181
You know, after a while I start going okay, there, there's something here, but there were still some confusing things and I had to find some interpretive keys.

00:46:26.181 --> 00:46:31.117
Um, that, you know, that helped me before I actually wrote the books.

00:46:31.599 --> 00:46:40.106
Right, Right, um, my, uh, one one caveat the family that we just met today that we uh literally like God, blessed us with their story.

00:46:40.106 --> 00:46:44.545
We're not sharing any names or anything, and they may never share their story.

00:46:44.545 --> 00:46:46.682
It's really personal in that way.

00:46:46.682 --> 00:46:58.697
So they're probably going to listen to this podcast and so just praise God for the grace that their story is glorifying him in the small amount that they've shared, that their story is glorifying Him in the small amount that they've shared.

00:46:58.697 --> 00:47:12.271
But the other thing that came to me is really related to their daughter was younger and it was the concept of there not being an ability to explain what was seen.

00:47:16.155 --> 00:47:17.936
And then you've used the language like it's just weird.

00:47:17.936 --> 00:47:19.157
It's just strange.

00:47:19.157 --> 00:47:27.164
And the concept of the word strange or weird is only relative to what we find to be normal, right, like the things that we find to be consistent.

00:47:27.164 --> 00:47:31.469
And when you kept saying it's more real.

00:47:31.469 --> 00:47:35.331
If it were to be more real, then it's just more weird.

00:47:35.331 --> 00:47:50.849
And something that Grant and I talk about a lot is when we're together or with another person who the spirit I mean I don't want to like turn people off by getting too wildly charismatic, but it's just like people that the spirit is just burning alive in.

00:47:50.849 --> 00:48:05.918
Just weird things happen, like weird coincidences, weird alignments, and Grant and I have talked before about like it makes you uncomfortable.

00:48:05.918 --> 00:48:10.257
And it makes you uncomfortable because like, especially men and women of the faith, like you don't know what to do with it, if that makes sense, like you don't want to lean into this.

00:48:10.297 --> 00:48:22.003
Like providential, like looking for signs and wonders, where Paul says that like Greeks look for knowledge and Jews look for signs and like, but I know only Christ and Him crucified.

00:48:22.003 --> 00:48:24.717
And like all knowledge and love and life is found like in Christ.

00:48:24.717 --> 00:48:25.458
Like we know that.

00:48:25.458 --> 00:48:52.230
But then you have these expressions of light and love and like I've experienced things like that of like miraculous encounters with a living God that I can't explain, that I don't have a framework for to help translate, and sometimes I do think of it as like God giving us a gift that you keep unpacking, like Christmas Day, but you're continuing to unpack that for the rest of your life.

00:48:53.096 --> 00:48:57.547
But this is all leading to a question and we can kind of move toward the end on this.

00:48:57.547 --> 00:49:00.514
But this is all leading to a question and we can kind of move toward the end on this.

00:49:00.514 --> 00:49:26.175
But I've just been sitting here thinking about the concept of there are near-death experiences, but I wrote in my journal here taking notes like do you think there's such thing as near-life experiences, that there are Christians every day who are coming close to a reality of God and experiencing something strange and then running away because it's strange and odd and they don't feel like they have a place for it in their little box?

00:49:26.175 --> 00:49:31.947
And if so, what would you say to those people?

00:49:33.414 --> 00:49:38.318
Well, I mean, in many ways I feel like I am one of those people.

00:49:38.318 --> 00:49:39.798
I've been one of those people.

00:49:39.798 --> 00:50:03.907
You know it's just fascinating because you know we started a church right for skeptics and doubters and people who and I didn't have, even though I was curious about and studied all these near death experiences for me it was more of, it was more evidence, so it bolstered my, my faith in that sense.

00:50:03.907 --> 00:50:24.192
Um, but I don't have, I didn't have lots of weird mystical experiences of God, um, and then people that had come to faith in our church start having these kind of out there, more mystical experiences.

00:50:24.192 --> 00:50:33.309
And they're asking me and this is before the internet, where you go listen to all these pastors and preachers all over the place.

00:50:33.309 --> 00:50:37.061
So I knew you know we were it, yeah, over the place.

00:50:37.061 --> 00:50:38.083
So I knew you know we were it.

00:50:38.083 --> 00:50:54.657
And so it really kind of rocked my world like, oh well, I don't know, I guess that's like when the scriptures talk about a word of knowledge or the prophetic, I guess it's that.

00:50:54.657 --> 00:51:17.652
And so what I would say, having been more in just the analytical box, is God, if you really read the Bible and you really look at Jesus' life, god's okay with us being uncomfortable and not understanding everything.

00:51:17.652 --> 00:51:27.978
Okay with us being uncomfortable and not understanding everything, and we want everything buttoned down and we want absolute certainty, because that makes us feel secure and God actually doesn't play our game.

00:51:27.978 --> 00:51:50.362
I mean, just go read the parables of Jesus and I'm sometimes blown away at how he gives near-death experiences, parables in their near-death experience, to see if they'll go back and explore and discover, like this Hindu man I interviewed.

00:51:50.362 --> 00:51:52.588
He's a manufacturing engineer, grew up in India.

00:51:52.588 --> 00:51:55.643
He thought when you die it's just lights.

00:51:55.643 --> 00:52:00.797
Out Name is Santosh or maybe you'll come back as another living thing.

00:52:00.797 --> 00:52:02.882
And he said but that's not what happened.

00:52:02.882 --> 00:52:04.065
I hear code blue.

00:52:04.065 --> 00:52:06.235
I'm up above my body.

00:52:06.235 --> 00:52:08.641
This divine light comes to me.

00:52:08.641 --> 00:52:11.487
I knew this was a divine light with ultimate authority.

00:52:11.487 --> 00:52:14.621
I had to do what it said, but I fell in love with this light.

00:52:14.621 --> 00:52:32.804
And then this light takes him to this place and he perfectly describes what John describes in Revelation 21 of the holy city of God, including 12 gates, high walls, gorgeous, otherworldly building materials.

00:52:32.804 --> 00:52:39.027
He said of these buildings, he called them mansions, buildings inside and people.

00:52:39.027 --> 00:52:41.342
And he sees angels outside the gates.

00:52:41.342 --> 00:52:43.702
And then he knows he's looking at the kingdom of God.

00:52:43.702 --> 00:52:55.246
But in that God also gives him a vision of hell and he sees an abyss of darkness that he knew you go there and there's no way out.

00:52:55.246 --> 00:52:55.929
It's hopeless.

00:52:55.929 --> 00:52:59.474
And he says a lake of fire at the bottom.

00:52:59.574 --> 00:53:00.659
This is a Hindu guy.

00:53:00.659 --> 00:53:04.099
He's never read the Bible, but this is what he's saying.

00:53:04.099 --> 00:53:08.088
He saw when he had no heartbeat.

00:53:08.088 --> 00:53:12.255
Then he turns to his right because he wants to go into this city.

00:53:12.255 --> 00:53:18.903
He knows this is the ultimate destination of humanity, but these 12 gates are closed to him.

00:53:18.903 --> 00:53:24.788
He doesn't want to go to this abyss and he's looking for another way.

00:53:24.994 --> 00:53:34.527
And he turns and there he sees who he later said to me he thinks was Jesus, because he was in the form of a man on a throne.

00:53:34.527 --> 00:53:39.025
And he looks into his eyes and he has a life review.

00:53:39.025 --> 00:53:46.748
He sees his whole life you know his good and his sins and he realizes you know, I deserve the abyss.

00:53:46.748 --> 00:53:51.065
And he starts to say forgive me Lord, forgive me Lord, forgive me Lord.

00:53:51.065 --> 00:54:07.358
And he's expecting God to throw him into the abyss and instead he hears tenderness and concern and love and mercy in his voice and he says santosh, I'm sending you back and when you go back you must love your family, especially your daughter.

00:54:07.358 --> 00:54:08.501
She needs you right now.

00:54:10.125 --> 00:54:19.809
And then he sees, and he and, and he sees on the side of this throne what he called a very narrow gate.

00:54:19.809 --> 00:54:29.204
It was so narrow it was strange to him, but it was open and it was the only way for him to enter into the kingdom of heaven.

00:54:29.204 --> 00:54:41.619
And he says to the Lord Lord, because he felt such love and tender mercy from God, he said, lord, when I come back, how do I go through that narrow gate into your kingdom?

00:54:41.619 --> 00:54:46.588
Okay, so, just the full story's in.

00:54:46.588 --> 00:54:48.219
Imagine the God of Heaven.

00:54:48.219 --> 00:54:56.943
But he comes back and he's seeking God and he's saying this is not the gods that I grew up learning about in Hinduism.

00:54:56.943 --> 00:54:58.246
Who was this God?

00:54:58.246 --> 00:55:03.876
I knew I deserved that abyss, but he had mercy and compassion and love for me and he knew me.

00:55:03.876 --> 00:55:09.280
And he's seeking, he's praying every day, and then his daughter gets invited.

00:55:09.280 --> 00:55:13.675
Okay, so, so just pause a second.

00:55:13.675 --> 00:55:18.644
If you know the Bible, you know Jesus is giving him a living parable.

00:55:18.644 --> 00:55:25.302
Right, it's like so wild and we're like well, just tell him.

00:55:27.175 --> 00:55:28.202
God's okay with it.

00:55:28.202 --> 00:55:29.661
It sounds like he didn't get an answer.

00:55:30.255 --> 00:55:32.704
God's okay with mystery.

00:55:32.704 --> 00:55:34.119
God wants to know.

00:55:34.119 --> 00:55:35.824
Will we seek him with all our heart?

00:55:35.824 --> 00:55:38.603
Because when we seek him with all our heart we do find him.

00:55:38.603 --> 00:55:43.365
So Santosh is seeking with all his heart and he is for about two years.

00:55:43.365 --> 00:55:45.782
And his daughter gets invited.

00:55:45.974 --> 00:55:47.280
She was a choral major in college.

00:55:47.280 --> 00:55:52.947
She gets invited to sing with her friend in a church choir.

00:55:52.947 --> 00:55:57.364
It was like an Easter deal that they were doing.

00:55:57.364 --> 00:55:59.981
Santosh and his wife go to hear her.

00:55:59.981 --> 00:56:12.505
He walks in the church and he feels the loving presence of that same God of light and the message that day is on the narrow gate and how.

00:56:12.505 --> 00:56:16.103
Jesus is the gate through which you must enter into the kingdom of heaven.

00:56:16.735 --> 00:56:24.880
He goes home and starts reading the Bible and he and he said to me, john, everything I experienced was in this book and he comes to faith in Jesus.

00:56:24.880 --> 00:56:34.340
Wow, but I can tell you, god does that, he so.

00:56:34.340 --> 00:56:35.264
He's not.

00:56:35.264 --> 00:56:47.023
He doesn't play by our rules and he is okay with struggle and questions and mystery and things that don't always fit our box.

00:56:47.023 --> 00:57:09.860
Be demanding that God do it your way, but you also should really study the scriptures, really know and read about the teachings of Jesus so that you understand how you know, I put in Imagine the God of Heaven.

00:57:10.101 --> 00:57:15.478
What convinced me that the Bible really is a revelation of God and that we really should trust it.

00:57:15.478 --> 00:57:19.746
And so I don't believe just any one near-death experiencer.

00:57:19.746 --> 00:57:25.144
And what they tell me I look to see are there overlaps with others?

00:57:25.144 --> 00:57:29.706
And then how does that fit with what God has already claimed to reveal?

00:57:29.706 --> 00:57:33.867
Because I have reason to believe that that's trustworthy.

00:57:33.867 --> 00:57:43.788
And so I would not say depart from the scriptures, but I would say open your heart and your mind to some of the mystery of God.

00:57:43.788 --> 00:57:51.367
That doesn't contradict scripture, but it goes beyond, maybe, what you have framed how God is supposed to work.

00:57:52.876 --> 00:57:53.579
Amen to that.

00:57:53.579 --> 00:58:04.070
So you had a hard stop at 4.30-ish, but I do want to leave a little bit of space to give you a chance.

00:58:04.070 --> 00:58:08.266
Is there anything like you're working on now or anything that you want to promote?

00:58:08.266 --> 00:58:11.163
We like to give people space at the end for that.

00:58:12.956 --> 00:58:20.469
Well, I mean right now, I'm just trying to continue to get the word out.

00:58:20.469 --> 00:58:24.804
I really, you know, I'm super excited about this new book.

00:58:24.804 --> 00:58:25.947
Imagine the God of Heaven.

00:58:25.947 --> 00:58:28.478
Because I interviewed 70 people.

00:58:28.478 --> 00:58:45.268
An imam, a Muslim imam in Rwanda, you know, who gets rescued from a hellish experience by this man of light who comes in and he sees holes in his hands and he says I died for mankind, you're among those I died for.

00:58:45.268 --> 00:58:47.599
Never deny it and tell it to everybody.

00:58:47.599 --> 00:58:54.858
And today he's had seven attempts on his life because he won't shut up about Jesus.

00:58:54.858 --> 00:59:05.771
You know, and you know 70 others like that, in Australia, in Singapore, all over the planet.

00:59:07.016 --> 00:59:12.989
And you know, I believe that this is God's testimony to the nations.

00:59:12.989 --> 00:59:15.262
I am the God of all nations.

00:59:15.262 --> 00:59:16.500
I always have been.

00:59:16.500 --> 00:59:21.086
I don't play favorites, but hey, come to me.

00:59:21.086 --> 00:59:25.123
You know, because you know I, I just don't.

00:59:25.123 --> 00:59:26.425
I think this is a unique time.

00:59:26.425 --> 00:59:31.083
When else could we do this and the whole world could hear about it?

00:59:31.083 --> 00:59:34.355
And when else could I interview people all over the world?

00:59:34.355 --> 00:59:36.998
And, you know, people could hear about it and see it.

00:59:36.998 --> 00:59:42.085
But but that's the day we're in and I think it's God's testimony.

00:59:42.085 --> 00:59:46.135
Like you know, come to me and and and.

00:59:46.135 --> 00:59:50.505
Be confident that you're right with me, because nobody cares more about you.

00:59:50.505 --> 00:59:57.300
So that's imagine, the God of heaven, and you know, I'm just doing everything to get the word out about that right now.

00:59:59.003 --> 00:59:59.264

00:59:59.264 --> 01:00:11.757
I want to just hear if these words are something that you would confirm from your experience, because it's what I've taken away.

01:00:11.757 --> 01:00:15.201
We can end it with your feedback From a redeemed or being redeemed skeptic.

01:00:15.201 --> 01:00:29.992
Skepticism is not solved by understanding, but the doubt and fear overwhelmed in the mental, complete mental, emotional and physical or mental, emotional and spiritual experience of God's love.

01:00:36.501 --> 01:00:38.893
Like would you say that skepticism is overwhelmed by the experience itself.

01:00:38.893 --> 01:00:41.876
That's a great question.

01:00:41.896 --> 01:00:44.318
You know, yes, it's not that your understanding is no longer worthwhile.

01:00:44.318 --> 01:00:45.721
I don't want to say that.

01:00:46.501 --> 01:00:51.268
Well, here's you know, as a pastor, people coming from all walks of life.

01:00:51.268 --> 01:01:05.222
What I've seen is that there's not one Jesus, I believe, is the way and the truth in the life, but there are many paths to the way the truth in the life.

01:01:05.282 --> 01:01:18.947
So I had to wrestle with my mind right and I had to come to a place where I was like I think this is true, but that didn't do anything in my heart.

01:01:18.947 --> 01:01:20.429
My heart still had to go.

01:01:20.429 --> 01:01:28.148
Oh, so now you want me to give you my life Like, oh, that's a whole different deal.

01:01:29.876 --> 01:01:30.697
You see what I'm saying.

01:01:32.519 --> 01:01:36.126
But I had to come through my mind first because of the way I'm wired.

01:01:36.126 --> 01:01:38.976
But I meet other people that you know.

01:01:38.976 --> 01:01:49.177
Their baby is born and they look at their newborn baby and they didn't believe in God at all and they have a love that they can't explain and all of a sudden they're like there must be a God.

01:01:49.177 --> 01:01:52.746
Well, I don't know, I would have never come that way.

01:01:52.746 --> 01:02:03.463
And then there are others, like some of these near-death experiencers, who have a spiritual experience that they can't explain.

01:02:03.463 --> 01:02:20.317
Maybe they don't die, but maybe some coincidental thing happens and it's God getting their attention and they're like I can't deny it, there must be a God, I can't deny it, there must be a God.

01:02:20.336 --> 01:02:36.699
But the same turn in their heart happens and I think, at the end of the day, I believe that what God did for us all through Jesus is he made a way to remove every barrier between himself and every person on earth except one, and that's our pride.

01:02:36.699 --> 01:02:57.681
If in our pride, we say, no, I'm good, you know I don't need you, god, you know my will be done, I don't need your forgiveness, I don't need you, then I think that is the only thing that God does not violate, because God is love and love requires freedom.

01:02:57.681 --> 01:03:08.449
And if, in our free will, we choose consistently to reject him, I think at the end of the day he won't violate our free will in that.

01:03:08.449 --> 01:03:12.891
But he has removed every barrier other than that.

01:03:12.891 --> 01:03:20.628
So if you want his love, if you want his forgiveness that he paid for a dear price in Christ, you can have it.

01:03:20.628 --> 01:03:25.106
And he knows the human heart and a heart turning to him is all he wants.

01:03:26.735 --> 01:03:29.425
Thanks for listening to the Across the Counter podcast.

01:03:29.425 --> 01:03:34.708
If you enjoyed the show, please rate us five stars, wherever you got this podcast.

01:03:34.708 --> 01:03:35.614
Thanks, y'all.